Can’t Connect to HA Supervisor to Set Up New HA Green Rev 1.1

Hi folks. I just bought a Home Assistant Green and can’t connect to the device either through a desktop browser or the HA Android app to set it up – although the device is clearly visible and has a stable IP address on my network. I’ve searched the forum and, while I can find solutions for RPi home-brews that typically involve re-installing the OS or replacing a faulty SD card, I can’t seem to find a solution for the HA Green.

The device is a brand new HA Green Rev 1.1. When powered up, it gives me a stable white power LED, a “heartbeat” yellow LED and a flickering green LED which is clearly tied to activity. I’m connecting via Ethernet to either my Netgear C7000v2 cable modem/router or my Netgear RBR50 Orbi mesh router base station. I’m connecting my Windows 7 desktop via Ethernet to either the cable modem/router or the mesh router base station, following where the HA Green is connected. I’m using the HA Android app on a stock, unrooted Google Pixel 4a running Android 13.

Since I’m pretty sure that neither of my routers support mDNS, I’m not attempting to connect to the HA Green using any variation of “homeassistant.local”. Instead, I’m trying to connect to [IP address]:8123. Regardless of which browser I use (Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi or Opera), I get a “connection refused” error message. And I’m careful to make sure that the browser doesn’t automatically convert “http” to “https”.

What’s odd is that I can successfully ping the HA green’s IP address and that I can successfully connect to HA Observer on the device (at [IP address]:4357), which returns a status report of “Supervisor: Connected / Supported: Supported / Healthy: Healthy”.

I’ve read that it can take some time for the HA OS to initialize and retrieve updated files when connected for the first time, but the device has been connected for over 24 hours now.

I’m sure I’m missing something obvious, but I’ve hit a brick wall, so thanks in advance for some wisdom from the community!

Have you tried connecting a monitor to watch the boot process and capture any errors?

@MaxK: When I connect the HA Green to a monitor, I get the CLI start-up screen which reports “Waiting for Supervisor to startup…” There is no boot activity. My OS is shown to be 11.4 and the HA Core is 2024.7.4. The start-up screen confirms the IP address for the device which is reported in my routers’ dashboards, so no mis-match there.

The current version is 12.4. If you are on 11.4 I would recommend upgrading by doing the following command at the CLI:

ha supervisor update


ha host reboot

@MaxK: There was an OS update available but the highest rev available via the CLI was 11.5. The OS update was successful, as was the host reboot (and I followed up with “supervisor restart” just for good measure, which was also successful) but I’m still stuck with my initial state: I can see HA in my network, I can ping it, I can connect to HA Observer at /4357 (Supervisor:Connected / Supported:Supported / Healthy:Healthy) but I still can’t connect to /8123.

Bouncing around in the CLI and running as many “info” commands as I could, I did see one thing that jumped out at me - an error message that HA could not get “async_get_time_zone” from aiozoneinfo. Would this prevent me from being able to connect to HA? Or does it just reflect that I haven’t been able to configure HA yet with my current time zone?

Can you post the output / take a screen shot of:

ha network info

@MaxK: First of all, thanks for taking so much time to help me drill down on this issue. Greatly appreciated!
The only HDMI monitor I have is a TV, so I can’t get logs or screen caps. I assume you wanted me to check network info to see if Supervisor has Internet access. After restarting the network via CLI, it does. Digging through the logs for network, supervisor and core, it seems my problem is that the core won’t start. I’ve updated the core to the latest version available to me, validated the instance using the check command, stopped it, then attempted start it again, resulting in an error message pointing me to the Supervisor logs, which keep giving me the error message related to “async_get_time_zone”.

Can you take a photo with your phone?

@tom_l: Thanks for jumping in here. I’ll try to get some clean shots. What command outputs do you want to see?

Problem solved by re-installing the OS, following the instructions at Resetting the device – Home Assistant Green.

Thanks to Brandon at ameriDroid for suggesting this approach!