Can’t get GMail IMAP to work

I’m trying to set up the IMAP integration for my gmail account, but I get ‘invalid authentication’ every time I try.

I followed every step exactly in the docs. I set up 2-factor authentication for my account.

I created my app password (note: this isn’t the password I’m using, only created for this screenshot):

Then I followed the steps to set up the integration

In the setup dialog, I typed my email address (e.g. [email protected], deleted in the screen shot below), into the Username field, entered the password I received in the dialog above, without spaces, into the Password field, but I comes up as “invalid authentication” every time.

Is there something I’m doing wrong?

Anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong here?

Anyone? Bueller?

Have you tried it with Inbox instead of INBOX? I vaguely remember that INBOX caused issues when I set mine up.

Thanks for the response, I hadn’t tried that before, I had just left the default values. I just tried it, and I’m still getting the same error, it’s still flagging the username and password fields as “invalid authentification”.

just in case this helps you or someone else:
had the same issue;
problem was IMAP not enabled under my Gmail account
(see “settings” in your gmail account)



Thanks. I was actually looking into this just yesterday after seeing the updates to Imap in the latest version.

I had been looking for that setting yesterday, but can’t seem to find it. How did you get there?

Everything I found said to go to “”, click the gear settings and select “all settings”. The problem is, I don’t have a gear icon, and nothing gives me the option to “show all settings”. I’ve been doing this on my iPhone (I even downloaded the gmail app thinking it might have more options, but it didn’t), do I need to do this in a browser on my desktop?

This is all I see when I go there on my phone. Below is a list of my inbox. I don’t have any settings option anywhere on this view


I believe you need to use the desktop version. The gear icon should be in the upper right corner.

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Yes! That was it. Many, many, many thanks.

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