Can’t login please help

Hey guys, Got my Home Assistant green about three weeks ago ! Yea am a Newbie to this, trying to learn to, so please bear with me. I set up my username and password. I try to login But it say invalid name or password! I can’t get past my username/password that’s how far as I got. lol Can you guys please kindly help me out and guide me the right way? Thank you

It is in documentation, Google is your best friend:


I’ll give it a shot thank you

since you are using a ha green, if this is a brand new device and you haven’t configured anything (ie, you’ve got nothing to lose on there) then the easiest thing may be to reset the device and start over. Resetting the device – Home Assistant Green

your original post doesn’t indicate whether you’ve set it up and everything already. if you had, @Edwin_D 's link is the thing to try to recover w/o losing your config. but if you don’t care about your config, just reset it.