Can´t setup broadlink

i´m very new and noobie on this world, I´ve just intalled hassio on rasp 3, I found the code for broadlink in the HA site, I pasted on configuration.yaml but when I go back to add the device I can´t find broadlink, when I go to the log I found this:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Error while setting up platform broadlink
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 164, in _async_setup_platform
SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=self.hass.loop)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/”, line 352, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/”, line 244, in result
raise self._exception
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/”, line 55, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/switch/”, line 81, in setup_platform
config.get(CONF_MAC).encode().replace(b’:’, b’’))
binascii.Error: Odd-length string
2017-10-21 12:57:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of sensor is taking over 10 seconds.
2017-10-21 12:58:05 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [netdisco.ssdp] Error fetching description at
2017-10-21 12:58:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [plexapi] (401) unauthorized
2017-10-21 12:58:26 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Setup of platform cast is taking over 10 seconds.

Does anyone can help me?


Which device of broadlink do you have?

Hello tks for replying,
Rm pro


In that case i can help you, because i have it.

This is my config file. You must have device as a switch device in HA. In my case i have each type of device in a file, so i have a switch.yaml file with this:

- platform: broadlink
  mac: '11:22:33:44:55:FF'
  timeout: 15
      friendly_name: "TV"
      friendly_name: "DecoderTV"
      friendly_name: "AireA"
      command_on: ''
      command_off: ''
#      command_on: 'JgC+AF+AQCEeQSAeIx0/IiEdICAeIh4iITwgICAhPSIdIx0kHSIdIR0jHyEeIh4gHiIfIR4iHiAeIh4iHiIhPD8gX4BBIR1CHSEiHj4jHSEfIR8hHiIePyAgICBAHx4iHiIeIh8fHiIeIiEfHiAeIh4iHiIeIB4iHiMdIx1APiFegT8iH0AeICAgPyIeIB4iHyEeIh4/ICAgID8gHiIeIx0jGyMfIR0jHSQfHh0jHiIeIh4gHiIeIx8gHj9AIH0ADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
#      command_off: 'JgC+ACUnE4AZSB5BHjoFIT8iHmEdIx2AICAgIAwbFiIeIh45BiQdIB4iGTkLIx4gHjkGIx4iHiAcKxghHiIeQT0hSZY+gh4gIjYnIh4gHzUJIx4iHkAfICAgPTEQIR4iHioXHx4iHiIfIx0gHSMdKgQICiMdIR0jHyMcIh4/PyBfgD8iHEUcICAgQCEeIB4iHiMeIR4/ISEeIT4hHiMcIx0jHiEcIx4iHiIdIh0iHiIeJB4eHiIeJB0iHT8+JHsADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 
      friendly_name: "Aspirador"

Tks very much, sorry for being annoying but what you mean when you said ?

[quote=“garvarma, post:4, topic:30182”]
You must have device as a switch device in HA. In my case i have each type of device in a file
I have two noobie questions, the host ip os the ip i found in my dhcp router as rm pro?
another question can write on yaml until switches and try to call to learn my ir commands? Or do I Need to wirte everything so I can find broadlink as a device?


After few time working with HA, i saw that the configuration.yaml can turn very very very extensive, after adding differents sensors, switches, etc, so i decided to create just small configuration.yaml:

###  Devices  ###
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
#binary_sensor: !include binary_sensor.yaml
#light: !include light.yaml  
cover: !include persianas.yaml
climate: !include climate.yaml
camera: !include camara.yaml
#alarm_control_panel: !include alarma.yaml
zone: !include zones.yaml
device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml
automation: !include automation.yaml
notify: !include notify.yaml
group: !include grupos.yaml
switch: !include switches.yaml
input_boolean: !include input_boolean.yaml
input_select: !include input_select.yaml
#scene: !include scenes.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
##media_player: !include media_player.yaml
weblink: !include weblinks.yaml

And then, i create a yaml file for each type, as you can see in image below.


For example, my switches.yaml file, have this:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Luz Lavadero"
  state_topic: "/node1/gpio/13"
  command_topic: "/node1/gpio/13"
  payload_on: "0"
  payload_off: "1"
  optimistic: false

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Luz Terraza"
  state_topic: "/node1/gpio/15"
  command_topic: "/node1/gpio/15"
  payload_on: "0"
  payload_off: "1"
  optimistic: false

- platform: broadlink
  view: yes
  mac: 11:22:33:44:55:EE
  type: mp1-1
  friendly_name: GW_Xiaomi

- platform: broadlink
  view: yes
  mac: 11:22:33:44:55:EE
  type: mp1-2
  friendly_name: TV_Play

- platform: broadlink
  view: yes
  mac: 11:22:33:44:55:EE
  type: mp1-3
  friendly_name: EzCast

- platform: broadlink
  view: yes
  mac: 11:22:33:44:55:EE
  type: mp1-4
  friendly_name: Decoder_RU

- platform: broadlink
  mac: '11:22:33:44:55:FF'
  timeout: 15
      friendly_name: "TV"
      friendly_name: "DecoderTV"
      friendly_name: "AireA"
      command_on: ''
      command_off: ''
#      command_on: 'JgC+AF+AQCEeQSAeIx0/IiEdICAeIh4iITwgICAhPSIdIx0kHSIdIR0jHyEeIh4gHiIfIR4iHiAeIh4iHiIhPD8gX4BBIR1CHSEiHj4jHSEfIR8hHiIePyAgICBAHx4iHiIeIh8fHiIeIiEfHiAeIh4iHiIeIB4iHiMdIx1APiFegT8iH0AeICAgPyIeIB4iHyEeIh4/ICAgID8gHiIeIx0jGyMfIR0jHSQfHh0jHiIeIh4gHiIeIx8gHj9AIH0ADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
#      command_off: 'JgC+ACUnE4AZSB5BHjoFIT8iHmEdIx2AICAgIAwbFiIeIh45BiQdIB4iGTkLIx4gHjkGIx4iHiAcKxghHiIeQT0hSZY+gh4gIjYnIh4gHzUJIx4iHkAfICAgPTEQIR4iHioXHx4iHiIfIx0gHSMdKgQICiMdIR0jHyMcIh4/PyBfgD8iHEUcICAgQCEeIB4iHiMeIR4/ISEeIT4hHiMcIx0jHiEcIx4iHiIdIh0iHiIeJB4eHiIeJB0iHT8+JHsADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 
      friendly_name: "Aspirador"

Be careful, because in my file i have 2 broadlink devices RM Pro and MP1 plug socket

I have two noobie questions, the host ip os the ip i found in my dhcp router as rm pro?

The host IP, must be the address that you router give to the RM Pro. If you are using DHCP, then this IP address can change, and maybe the RM Pro doesn’t works. So you should put fix IP address (in you router maybe there is option to assign a IP to specific MAC address). To know the IP of your RM Pro, look if the device has the MAC address like : 34:EA:34:XX:XX:XX, because broadlink uses this beginning numbers.

another question can write on yaml until switches and try to call to learn my ir commands? Or do I Need to wirte everything so I can find broadlink as a device?

You don’t need to wait to have all. Once your RM Pro is added to HA, then you can read codes. Then read all ones, put it in the yaml file configuration, and then restart HA, to take effect all changes.

When you will have RM Pro in HA, then you can do this:

Many thanks ill give a try again and send you a feedback, Ill try to give a static ip for my devices , im wondering if its why im having so much trouble.

unfortunetly i´ve put the following bellow, set static ip for rmpro and gave me the same error as before anyone can figure out what i´m doing wrong

  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘B8-27-EB-4C-CE-25’
    timeout: 15

Hi @ArisSaraiva,

The Rm Pro configuration is this one:

- platform: broadlink
  mac: '11:22:33:44:55:FF'
  timeout: 15
      friendly_name: "TV"
      friendly_name: "DecoderTV"
      friendly_name: "AireA"
      command_on: ''
      command_off: ''
#      command_on: 'JgC+AF+AQCEeQSAeIx0/IiEdICAeIh4iITwgICAhPSIdIx0kHSIdIR0jHyEeIh4gHiIfIR4iHiAeIh4iHiIhPD8gX4BBIR1CHSEiHj4jHSEfIR8hHiIePyAgICBAHx4iHiIeIh8fHiIeIiEfHiAeIh4iHiIeIB4iHiMdIx1APiFegT8iH0AeICAgPyIeIB4iHyEeIh4/ICAgID8gHiIeIx0jGyMfIR0jHSQfHh0jHiIeIh4gHiIeIx8gHj9AIH0ADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
#      command_off: 'JgC+ACUnE4AZSB5BHjoFIT8iHmEdIx2AICAgIAwbFiIeIh45BiQdIB4iGTkLIx4gHjkGIx4iHiAcKxghHiIeQT0hSZY+gh4gIjYnIh4gHzUJIx4iHkAfICAgPTEQIR4iHioXHx4iHiIfIx0gHSMdKgQICiMdIR0jHyMcIh4/PyBfgD8iHEUcICAgQCEeIB4iHiMeIR4/ISEeIT4hHiMcIx0jHiEcIx4iHiIdIh0iHiIeJB4eHiIeJB0iHT8+JHsADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 
      friendly_name: "Aspirador"

As i can see in yours, the mac address you put it by “-” and in my case i have it with “:”. Also between mac address i have single ’ at the beggining also at the end.

try this

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It worked, it was the “-” that was wrong I was able to find broadlink as a device, problem now is that I can´t learn the codes, I call the service broadlink light on I press the remote button but nothing show up on service dashboard.

i follow your instructions again and was abble to do my first switch tks very much!!!

Hey do you know how can I control my switches with ifttt, *.ver already setup ifttt as a service but I dont know how to make the applet, I found out the url the entity id, but i dont know the name of the service of the switch, there’s nothing on my service dashboard

i ve recently purchased your device from gearbest.
Broadlink rm pro+ S/N3322011076

Based on advise of ez smart ( developer of broadlink Rm Voice pro app, I have downgraded my new rm pro+ from FW v51 to v20025. They told me to try it as my rm pro+ not worked with broadlink rm voice app and Rm bridge app
After downgrade i got message fw succesfully updated and current version is v0 and the app showed v49 is the new version under it. I repowered the device.

After that i tried to connect the device to the wifi but not works. I tried reset but no blue led and no light at all it seems it dead or brick. Is it possible some how to reboot it or reflash the firmware. I have ftdi and arduino nano, can i use it to reflash the FW.? Or is there any boot button in the device?
Is it possible that the developer suggestion to downgrade it (from v51 to v20025) bricked the Rm pro + device?

Do you know what is the latest fw for rm pro+ which works with rm bridge or how can i use broadlink rm voice control app with Fw version v51.
I ve ordered a new device and not want to brick it again.
I ve contacted with ibroadlink manufacturer support but they dont know what happened with my device and not reply for compatibility questiona with 3rd party apps with RM03 or RM pro +
Thank s for help please

This is a forum for users of Home Assistant which has its own Broadlink component and voice control, suggest you contact ez-smarthome.

I have contacted already with ez smart. They directed to broadlink manufacturer…so i went through this cycle.
Quite interesting that manufacurer answered me that my device is broken and no way to reflash or reboot.
As i ordered a new device im looking for information how to use it with Rm bridge and rm plugin for voicr control.
As i not want to brick my device again i need info about working FW versions or other how to

I have this broadlink device…this forum is not about this device? ! If not…sorry…can you tell me where is the topic of RM pro+?received_10155426344904121|690x345

I m also thinkig on buying a google home or alexa if thats the only easy way to voice command the Broadlink rm pro+ …any experience with that?

So do a lot of people here, I have one myself, but like I said no one will be using it in the way you want to as there’s no point.

So use it with a google home device?

If you want to use alexa with Rm bridge and Rm Plugin which is from android device, you don’t need to use home assistant to bridge as a philip hue.

If you want to use either alexa or google home, you can use with home assistant to bridge as a philip hue. Home Assistant has intergrated phiplip hue bridge already by put the emulated_hue: in your configuration.yaml. To use alexa or google home via home assistant philip hue bridge. You need to have switches from broadlink rm in home assistant. Alexa will discover all switch devices, then you can use voice command.

I don’t have google home. I have 1 echo dot and 4 broadlink rm pro.

For firmware version of broadlink rm pro. I used the standard that given from the manufacture themself. I didn’t upgrade or downgrade. They work fine.
The android device which I install E-Control app just to learn the rf and ir code then pull out the code to put in my Home Assistant.

He’s not looking at using Home Assistant.

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