I use ha with a raspberry pi 3a. I installed it on a sd card with getting damaged. So I use a usb stick now and installed ha new. I used a snapshot to get to my last config.
After that I can’t start my zwave network. Under Intergrations - zwave - config I pushed the button start network. But nothing happened.
In my config yaml I integrate it :
zwave: usb_path: /dev/tty/AMA0
Under Supervisor - System - Host System - Hardware, I see `serial:
- /dev/ttyAMA0
- /dev/ttyACM0`
The log shows:
Logger: homeassistant.components.zwave
Source: components/zwave/init.py:871
Integration: Z-Wave (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:57:48 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:14:39
Z-Wave not ready after 300 seconds, continuing anyway
On the SD card it works perfectly.
Any ideas?