Can the RESTful Integration have templates in the attributes?

I have a sensor that returns a single value from a JSON array of arrays, but I’d really like to have multiple templated values returned, or possibly an array that I can then extract the value I need in the script/automation. Is this possible?

This is the extract from my configuration.yaml

  - authentication: basic
    scan_interval: 28800
    #    unique_id: 8dc1ba09-da1d-4831-9e9f-92b70f6b32c1
      - name: "Media Look up Attributes"
        json_attributes_path: "$.0"
        value_template: >
          {% for x in value_json %}
            {% if is_state('input_text.requested_channel_name', x['intent']) %}  
              {{ x['satchannelnumber'] }}
              {% break %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

If I simply add attributes: to the sensor then I get the attributes, but always from the first array in the JSON.

My JSON is something like this;

    "intent": "bbc one",
    "satchannelnumber": 101,
    "satchannelname": "BBC ONE WstHD",
    "freesatchannelid": 564,
    "freesatchannelname": "BBC ONE South West HD",
    "freesatlogourl": "BBCOneHD-Web-Logo-135x76.jpg",
    "cablechannelnumber": 101,
    "cablechannelname": "BBC ONE West HD",
    "chromechannelnumber": 101,
    "chromechannelname": "BBC ONE WEST HD"
    "intent": "bbc two",
    "satchannelnumber": 102,
    "satchannelname": "BBC TWO HD",
    "freesatchannelid": 700,
    "freesatchannelname": "BBC TWO HD",
    "freesatlogourl": "BBCTwoHD-Web-Logo-135x76.jpg",
    "cablechannelnumber": 102,
    "cablechannelname": "BBC TWO HD",
    "chromechannelnumber": 102,
    "chromechannelname": "BBC TWO HD"
