Can the sd card cause slow running?

Hello any help or advise would be great.

I’ve been using home assistant for a few years now on a pi3 B+ all in all its been great but the last few weeks have not been running well, slow, laggy, if i ask google to turn on a light i get unable to reach nabu casa (but the light turns on a second later). probably other issues i haven noticed.

there is nothing that jumps out to me in the log (can post it if any one wants to look),
i keep HA up to date, powered by pi power supply. did have pi by tv on the WiFi using the CEC to make my tv a little bit more connected, but have plugged it in to the router to see if that would resolve the issue. (it has not)
don’t know where to go from here?? the only thing i can think of as i have seen many comments over the years is the sd card, (still the original one i started with)
so could my issues be caused by a failing SD card? or does any one have any better ideas.
thanks for reading look forward to anyone’s thoughts