Can the Unifi device tracker find out the name of the AP that the device is connected too?

I have a phone that I’m tracking through the Unifi component. I have multiple Access Points (APs) which tell me what room I’d be in.

Is there a way to get the Unifi AP name to which my phone is connected to in Home Assistant? Would be great, I can find the MAC address of the AP, just not the name.


Have you looked at the UnifI direct AP component?

Not sure that this will get you what you need, though, because I only know it exists, nothing more - I use the component ‘Ubiquiti Unifi WAP’ myself.

I use the WAP too because I have a controller running 24x7.

Of all the monitored variables I haven’t seen one that returns me the AP a wireless client is connected with (other than the MAC address).

Is there a way I can automatically convert the MAC address to AP name in home asisstant so I can get that as a template value?