Can this regex be done simpler/better/whatever?

Hey all!

I’ve got a calendar for my school’s timetable which contains the class’s location like this: AA00-0.000 or AA000-0.000. I tried to write an expression to remove the room number and expand the two letter code to the road it’s on. Can this be done easier or better?

{{ states.calendar.redacted.attributes.location | regex_replace(’[-][0-9][.][0-9]*’, ‘’) | regex_replace(‘BL’, 'redacted ') | regex_replace(‘DL’, 'redacted ') | regex_replace(‘HL’, 'redacted ') | regex_replace(‘PL’, 'redacted ') + “, redacted” }}

(Sorry for redacting everything, but I guess that the meaning is conserved :slight_smile:)