Can tts use computer or phone speakers?

When I try to use the google_translate service in the HA UI, it only lists media devices and not my computer or phone. Is there a way to make that work?

With computer choose browser. Not sure how to do it with phone.

On my android phone I use notify and pushover to get google tts voice notifications.

Search for notify and pushover to set up your accounts.

My YAML Code:

  - platform: pushover
    api_key: aibcq6ekfj4uztdb7uzvxxxxx2o7
    user_key: uijfrfqp7ri235z8xxxxxk2vrzj4gd

  - platform: pushover
    api_key: aibcq6ekfj4uztxxxxxv7v7z2if2o7
    user_key: uijfrxxxx7ri235z82nhyik2vrxxxxx


The browser mod custom integration can create a browser based media player for both your computer and/or mobile browsers.

For mobile, tts using the mobile app integration works well also.

browser mode creates media of each device but no tts option in more info…what am i missing ?

TTS was removed from the more-info dialog.
You either need to use Developer Tools > Services to call a TTS service, or a script or automation.

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could you share some example ?

Here is an example from a script:

alias: Test Speak
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.bedroom_clock
      message: This is a test
mode: single

You could create an input_text helper in the settings menu and then use the value of that to speak:

alias: Test Speak
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.bedroom_clock
      message: >
        {{ states('input_text.my_tts_text') }}
mode: single

Or you can make a script that accepts these as inputs to the script:

    description: The media_player to target
    example: media_player.bedroom_clock
    description: The TTS we want to speak
    example: This is a test
alias: Test Speak
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: {{ tts_target }}
      message: >
        {{ tts_text }}
mode: single
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Thanks for sharing I tried few but none works …does tts work on browser mode media ? And alexa media player? I tried on them but no response