Can we change the default 'home' to something else?

So, I have two instances of Home Assistant. One is at work, one is at home. I use Life360 for presence detection, which when configured on both systems means that both instances of HA receive reports of identical locations.

When I’m home, my work state shows that I’m home, and my home state shows that I’m home. When I’m at work, my work state shows that I’m at work, and my home state shows that I’m at work, but for everyone else at work, the state shows that they’re at home. They are all relying on nmap, not life360, and that won’t change.

I would like to know if I can customize the ‘home’ state on the instance of HA at work to reflect the name of the business, so no matter who (person.*) is there, their state shows as that location instead of ‘home.’

Did that make sense?

Just set home to be “your home” for both instances
Define @work prescence detection to be when you are within the work zone.
I don’t see a problem apart from that you can’t rely on the person integration which a lot of people distain anyway (I’m one of them)

I’ve been using ^person.* (regex) flawlessly for months now for presence detection. The failure isn’t in the component, it’s in the reliability of the mobile device. Between nmap and life360, things are as smooth as I have been able to make them, but not yet perfected.

So you’re saying define the same global position for home on both systems, and then make the physical location where the 2nd instance resides a zone of its own?

Would that work, considering that everyone but myself relies on nmap to track presence and not gps?

" The state of your tracked device will be 'home' if it is in the home zone, detected by your network or Bluetooth based presence detection."

The only way I can see to control the ‘home’ location is through the zone, but nmap doesn’t use that as the criteria. If a device is detected by the network, then it would be considered ‘home’. I may have to create secondary template sensors to define a custom value.

Sorry, I was not clear.
‘person’ builds occupancy according to ‘it’ s’ rules for presence in the ‘home’
There’s nothing in it that you can’t easily replicate.
Look up zones in the docs
I don’t use nmap, from what you’ve said I assume it’s ip address availability on your WiFi ? (I’m guessing, don’t have access to the docs or my installation, give me 3 hours and I will)
What you could do is build a binary template sensor based on you being ar’ work’ and just use that as your occupied.
As I say I’ll dig out what does it for me
But if you can read up on the above it should point you in the right direction.

I’m not suggesting that this is the only way to do it, only that this is the way I do it.
I create a binary sensor that summates the responses from device_tracker information for each individual.
I include an input_boolean so I can evict that person (usually my wife as we’ve gone out and she’s left her phone at home, so the heating stays on etc.) The summation may be a simple ‘or’ or you could go super strict (but flakey) ‘and’ or you could go the basian sensor route where each tracker is assigned a value, you sum the values and if it exceeds a threshold then it’s true (there’s a couple of really good threads on that).
Then I create a ‘Home Occupied’ (work occupied in your case) boolean sensor from all the ‘individual’ sensors and with that I include another input boolean to force occupancy to true (useful if you have guests or you have the contractors in and don’t want the lights to be going off).

Anyway, here are mine adapt as you see fit or ask questions, they may not fill your need but I’m 90% sure they are in the right ball park for what you are tring to achieve.

  - platform: template
        entity_id: binary_sensor.bs_occupied_muttley, binary_sensor.bs_occupied_wife, input_boolean.ib_occupied_force, input_boolean.ib_occupied_retention
        value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.ib_occupied_forceon', 'on') or is_state('input_boolean.ib_occupied_retention', 'on') or is_state('binary_sensor.bs_occupied_muttley', 'on') or is_state('binary_sensor.bs_occupied_wife', 'on') }}"
        friendly_name: House Occupied
        delay_off: "00:00:02"
        entity_id: device_tracker.life360_muttley, input_boolean.ib_occupied_muttley_away
        value_template: "{{ is_state('device_tracker.life360_muttley', 'home') and is_state('input_boolean.ib_occupied_muttley_away', 'off') }}"
        friendly_name: Muttley At Home

if you interogate your device tracker you can see what it is reporting so that you can map status to what you require.
for example paste: {{ states.device_tracker.life360_muttley }} into developer tools template to see what it reports as state then match that in your sensors to operate the binary sensor eg {{ states.device_tracker.life360_jon }} gives – > states == Work (substitute your device/platform/name etc. Note : exact case and format matters ! )
You can also get GPS co-ords from here so easy to set zones. (eg work and home in your case, but others too, I have 19 zones defined)

If you need ‘other peoples’ presence to denote ‘occupancy’ at work you would need to get their permission to track them OR note when they log onto a wifi network (but with the above you can override any of that)

Feel free to ask questions or if you think ‘this is not for me’ I’ll give up now :smiley: