or has this already been considered and dismissed?
I think this would be a good addition.
However, going through the WNS (the cloud solution) might make this more complicated. If I’m not mistaken, it should be possible to program a Windows-Service, which would accept HTTP-POST requests, to which notification then could be sent and then displayed as a notification. This would also have the benefit of working offline.
So if we had some Windows-Dev here capable of making a small Windows-Service, this would be easy to setup and integrate into HASS.
using WNS would mean getting notifications on Xbox too. It would be cool to see that!
Since I’m not a gamer I didn’t know that was possible. But that’s a good point, so using WNS would make sense then.
I’ve done a quick search and stumbled upon this: https://github.com/Neetuj/python-wns
Maybe this can be used the create the notification service.
Edit: To use WNS, a general prerequiste would be to have a Windows-Dev account. And that’s not free. So somebody with such an account has to look if the Python-module I’ve mentioned above is of any use.