I love ESPHome! It is certainly one to the power tools of Home Assistant. However useless you are using ethernet connected devices, it only operates over wi-fi. Given ESP32 devices now exist that support wi-fi, BLE and zigbee, could we have a platform similar to ESPHome to create zigbee devices?
This would potentially reduce the dependance on numerous wifi connections for ESP32 devices created in ESPHome.
I’ve noticed other ESPHome threads being closed for not being strictly about Home Assistant requests, but this isn’t an ESPHome request, this is asking for a new platform for create zigbee or even BLE devices.
Apologies if this is something requested previously, the absence of such a tool is a real bugbear of mine.
Thanks for reading,
Thank you for your submissing, however ESPHome requests are not apart of this WTH. Please create a feature request for ESPHome.