Can we have the Homeassistant name back?

HA 117 has landed beta and immediately reveals the compact header. Which can be fine for many.
I find it really nice, but rather disappointing to see we’ve lost our instances name in view. Hence I posted in the WTH thread, but since this goes beyond that I’ll repost it here:

hmm, I would consider that (the loss of the Name in the title bar) to be a major oversight in the new frontend design. A bug even. Will wait a bit to see if we get a response here, otherwise will issue this in the repo.

having viewed the first bit of this

I fear the poster finds this “really super cool”…
o dear.

only to be seen if you have 1 view. Now that’s going to be a lot of users… But, relief, we can still edit it ;-(

In over words, Can we please have our Instances Name back? Please also think of users that have more than a default setup, or more instances to control, and want to be able to discern between these instances easily, simply by being able to see one of the first items we all learn to set in the core config:

  name: Please show me

thanks for considering

added a feature request

Not that this affects me since i’ll never use the big header ever again (went to CH for a reason…) but I’m surprised that they didn’t make it an option to have it or not.

Or maybe I shouldn’t be surprised…