So I guess I should chime in with whats going on my side:
What Happened: Unfortunately, a Lot:
I had a power spike that killed all my PC’s/Servers/Laptops at home back in July. It took me a good 3 months with COVID slowdowns and so forth to rebuild/purchase a new server/laptop etc.
I have a real time Job managing a large team in Asia Pacific - And I got promoted in October where I am now also managing Europe side of the business (I’m based in Asia so the timezones is not kind to me)
But these are minor compared to the real reason I’m not so active anymore. Unfortunately its the wider OZW community. Not just the HA community, but a large number of users here. I do this in my own time, its a passion and it was enjoyable. But Please scroll this thread - Only a few people here actually understand what its like to volunteer to maintain a project that is used by >100000 users (if anybody is questioning the stats - I can infer the number of users of OZW 1.6 based on the DNS queries to check the latest revision of config files).
It has been a very toxic enviroment for me to work in - I approached this eagerly as I knew the old integration was stale and had lots of short comings. But the “demands” by some users. The criticisms of the project, my work, how fast I work, how good my code is, why we don’t support xyz device, why we don’t support S2, why this, why that. My discord was flooded with PM’s till I turned it off, my email I’m still getting rude or demanding messages every week.
All along - I’ve asked for help - none has forth come. I’m sick of users making demands upon me when i’m doing this in my own free time and for my own itch.
Is OZW Dead - No. I’ll tinker with it, i’ll make changes as time allows, but it will be at my own pace, to scratch my own itches now. if people step up and offer to help maintain the code, or vet through config files (like Nechry does on Github) and they show they have some knowledge about Z-Wave in general and at least adhere to some sense of backwards/forwards compatibility - I’ll happily add them as maintainers - But in the 10+ years i’ve worked on that, most people will last at most 6 months and then also disappear).
Sorry for those that have supported me one way or another. For everybody else that is critical of my work or OZW - all I have to say to you is “Show me the code or STFU” - Sorry to be blunt - But thats how much this community has tarnished my view of OSS work.