logging my motion sensors in a couple of small AD scripts, I was wondering if we can make history of these sensors survive a HA restart.
Previously I did the same with a CC Variable, where we could set restore: true
. Wondering if this can be done in AD too?
to be more precise: the current sensors state Is restored/recorded, I am talking about the attributes list History X
the app:
from collections import deque
from typing import Deque, Dict
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
_ATTR_NAME = "history_"
class MultiBinSensor(hass.Hass):
_entity: str
_date_format: str
_history: Deque[str]
_friendly_names: Dict[str, str]
_entity_attributes: Dict[str, str]
def initialize(self):
"""AppDaemon required method for app init."""
self._entity = self.args.get("new_entity")
icon = self.args.get("icon", "mdi:motion-sensor")
friendly_name = self.args.get("friendly_name", "Last motion inside")
self._entity_attributes = {"icon": icon, "friendly_name": friendly_name}
self._date_format = self.args.get("format_last_changed")
self.set_state(self._entity, state="Not yet set")
# Set up state history for attributes
self._history = deque([], maxlen=int(self.args.get("max_history")))
# Listen for binary sensor activations and store friendly names for them
bin_sensors: Dict[str, str] = self.args.get("binary_sensors")
self._friendly_names = {}
for sensor, pretty_name in bin_sensors.items():
self._friendly_names[sensor] = pretty_name
self.listen_state(self._bin_sensor_activation, sensor, new="on")
# recover old values, if any
old_attrs = self.get_state(self._entity, attribute="all")
if old_attrs:
state = old_attrs.get("state", "unknown")
for k, old_value in reversed(old_attrs.get("attributes", {}).items()):
if k.startswith(_ATTR_NAME) and ": " in old_value:
# Re-Publish old state
def _set_new_sensor_state(self, state):
"""Publish a new state for the sensor."""
history_attrs = {
f"{_ATTR_NAME}{i}": old_state
for i, old_state in enumerate(reversed(self._history))
if i > 0
attributes = {**self._entity_attributes, **history_attrs}
self.set_state(self._entity, state=state, attributes=attributes)
def _bin_sensor_activation(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
"""Listen to bin sensors turning on, update history and publish a new state."""
location = self._friendly_names[entity]
pretty_date_now = self.datetime().strftime(self._date_format)
# Add to history
self._history.append(f"{location}: {pretty_date_now}")
# Publish new state