Can we set restore: true on an AD created entity?

logging my motion sensors in a couple of small AD scripts, I was wondering if we can make history of these sensors survive a HA restart.

Previously I did the same with a CC Variable, where we could set restore: true. Wondering if this can be done in AD too?

to be more precise: the current sensors state Is restored/recorded, I am talking about the attributes list History X

the app:

from collections import deque
from typing import Deque, Dict

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass

_ATTR_NAME = "history_"

class MultiBinSensor(hass.Hass):

    _entity: str
    _date_format: str
    _history: Deque[str]
    _friendly_names: Dict[str, str]
    _entity_attributes: Dict[str, str]

    def initialize(self):
        """AppDaemon required method for app init."""
        self._entity = self.args.get("new_entity")
        icon = self.args.get("icon", "mdi:motion-sensor")
        friendly_name = self.args.get("friendly_name", "Last motion inside")
        self._entity_attributes = {"icon": icon, "friendly_name": friendly_name}
        self._date_format = self.args.get("format_last_changed")
        self.set_state(self._entity, state="Not yet set")

        # Set up state history for attributes
        self._history = deque([], maxlen=int(self.args.get("max_history")))

        # Listen for binary sensor activations and store friendly names for them
        bin_sensors: Dict[str, str] = self.args.get("binary_sensors")
        self._friendly_names = {}
        for sensor, pretty_name in bin_sensors.items():
            self._friendly_names[sensor] = pretty_name
            self.listen_state(self._bin_sensor_activation, sensor, new="on")

        # recover old values, if any
        old_attrs = self.get_state(self._entity, attribute="all")
        if old_attrs:
            state = old_attrs.get("state", "unknown")
            for k, old_value in reversed(old_attrs.get("attributes", {}).items()):
                if k.startswith(_ATTR_NAME) and ": " in old_value:
            # Re-Publish old state

    def _set_new_sensor_state(self, state):
        """Publish a new state for the sensor."""
        history_attrs = {
            f"{_ATTR_NAME}{i}": old_state
            for i, old_state in enumerate(reversed(self._history))
            if i > 0
        attributes = {**self._entity_attributes, **history_attrs}
        self.set_state(self._entity, state=state, attributes=attributes)

    def _bin_sensor_activation(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
        """Listen to bin sensors turning on, update history and publish a new state."""
        location = self._friendly_names[entity]
        pretty_date_now = self.datetime().strftime(self._date_format)

        # Add to history
        self._history.append(f"{location}: {pretty_date_now}")

        # Publish new state

If you want the sensor to persist reboots, it would be best to store it within a persistent AD namespace. The problem is that the sensor will not be within the HA namespace and cannot be displayed within the HA GUI. You can copy the sensor data from the AD namespace to the HA namespace and have it in both places as well.