Can we use the integration_entities() in Python script?

asking because currently I use a simple python script to calculate an average temp by iterating a specially created group

tempEntities = 'group.indoor_temp_sensors'
#tempEntities = ['sensor.auditorium_motion_sensor_temperature','sensor.corridor_motion_sensor_temperature',
#                'sensor.dining_table_motion_sensor_temperature', 'sensor.master_bedroom_motion_sensor_temperature',
#                'sensor.dorm_motion_sensor_temperature','sensor.frontdoor_motion_sensor_temperature']

# look up each entity_id
#for entity_id in tempEntities:
for entity_id in hass.states.get(tempEntities).attributes['entity_id']

would be nice if I could ditch the group and adjust the python to automatically find the {{integration_entities('Philips Hue 1')}}

please have a look?

btw I realize we have the min_max integration (I use that too). Like to rebuild the Python evenso if possible, have use for that elsewhere too