Can we use the theme variables in a python script?


having several hardcoded colors in my python scripts, I am exploring the possibility to use the theme variable names, var(–background-color) etc etc.

right now I have a script using this:

familyColor = ['grey',  # count_home = 0 #808080
               'steelblue',  # = 1
               'saddlebrown',      # = 2 #00f
               'gold',   # = 3 #fbd229
               'darkorange',    # = 4 #ff8700
               'red',     # = 5 #ff0f00
               'green']      # = 6

and using that to color the icon:

icon_color = familyColor[count_home%len(familyColor)]

hass.states.set('sensor.family_home', count_home, {
    'friendly_name': 'Family Home?',
    'home': ', '.join(home),
    'away': ', '.join(away),
    'icon': whichIcon,
    'count_home': count_home,
    'count_away': count_away,
    'family_count': familyCount,
    'icon_color': icon_color,
    'show_last_changed': 'true'

Havent been lucky replacing the color names with the theme variables though…

can this be done? please have a look, thanks