Can you add Hue Lights to Emulated Hue and a physical hub too

I have several hue lights, strips, etc. I want to add them and a couple of non hue lights to my Harmony remote home control. Harmony only supports on hue hub. Currently I have 3 hue lights mapped to the 4 available buttons on the remote. Since you can only use one hub with harmony, I think the best way to do this would be to map the 3 hue lights I currently have to the emulate hue as well as the one non hue switch I want to add.

My question is, will adding hue lights to the emulated hue require me to remove them from the current Hue hub. I’d prefer to keep them on the current hue hub if possible.

I guess a follow up question would be, can I keep my alexa from discovering the emulate hue hub. I already have it set up with the physical hub outside of HA, and dont want to reconfigure.

You choose what to expose on emulated_hue, so don’t expose the lights that are already integrated on the Hue hub.

I can only expose one hue hub to the harmony remote. My goal is to export 3 hue lights and one zwave switch to the Logitech remote.

I currently have this kinda working with emulated Roku. Only issues is that I have to tie the smart home Logitech buttons to activities. So when the activity is turned off the smart home buttons don’t work since the “roku” is off

With hue and other integrated apps you can control using the smart home buttons on the remote regardless of activity.

Sorry to hijack but I have a similar question and am looking for answer before I go ahead and buy the hue bundle on sale.

I currently run a default emulated hue that controls 1 tplink HS105, and 1 HS200. The HS105 mapped to the top plug button on the harmony and the HS 200 on the top light button. So I have 2 remaining buttons to map.

My question is, can I buy a real hue bridge and use the remaining button as if the emulated hue don’t exist? Will adding a physical hue bridge now conflict with my emulated hue during the “add device” process in harmony? Appreciate anyone’s expertise on this. :slight_smile:

Anyone? Super short question. Can you have a Hue bulb on both an emulated and physical Hue Hub in HA?

I don’t really understand the question.

Emulated_hue isn’t an actual hue hub, it just pretends to be so you can control homeassistant from Alexa.

I want to add the emulated hue hub to may harmony remote. The Harmony remote can only add one Hue Hub. Since I want to control some non hue switches, the emulated hue makes sense. But I also want to be able to control some hue lights as well. I dont want remove the lights that are currently attached to my physical hub.

You don’t remove anything from your original hue hub, but if the harmony can only listen to one you’ll probably want it to be the homeassistant emulated one.

Ok, I think I got it, sorry for asking repeated questions. So on my network, devices searching for hue hubs such as alexa, harmony, etc will see two hubs. The real one and the emulated one. It will not cause any issues with Hue lights, or hubs, if a light is “controlled” by two hubs?

Also do you know if you can “hide” the emulated hue from Alexa only? I really only want to have 4 entities on the emulated hue. Three of them are hue lights, and one zwave switch.

Alexa can discover them, you just tell it to ignore the ones you don’t want it to see (like duplicates) from the Alexa app.

Thanks. Was much easier than I thought. I should have just tried it, haha.

Got it working on my harmony remote in one attempt. The emulated hue is a bit better than the emulated roku for smart home control. Since it does not require an activity to be active to work.

Thanks again

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Does anyone know if the Hue Emulator will allow you to add emulated bulbs as well, or is it only the bridge that can be emulated? My goal is to have the Harmony home control buttons trigger a HomeKit scene. If I could create a fake emulated Hue light that I can use the Harmony to turn on and off, I could create a HomeKit automation on that light to trigger a scene.