Can you confirm that LG speakers work with Home Assistant (tts)?

Hello! Earlier I got jbl cheap speaker with chromecast. Mainly I used it for tts (it says hello when family returns home) and a little bit for music. It is pretty horrible by the way: fall out of the network and sometimes cast musick with lags.

So I have looked to LG WK7Y because it has build in alisa (yandex assistant like alexa and google assistant). Alisa works a lot better than siri in russian.

That is why I would like to know if I can use tts on LG WK7Y. I found this component, but I am not sure if it would work. Don’t really want to waste money, has anyone tried it out?

No experience here?
I understand, that I am speaking about LG model for russia (because of yandex ‘alisa’), but maybe anyone had similar LG speaker? Is it possible to send tts?

tts is a function of the media_player integration. I think if the device works as a media_player with home assistant, tts will work.

Whether the speaker you are thinking of buying works with home assistant is unknown to me. It is based on this library - ask there perhaps.