I created a custom homepage below and a couple of tabs but I’d like to create a third tab that is basically the same as the default homepage with all ‘other’ entities on it so I don’t forget anything. Is there an easy way to do that?
OK, I’ll ask in another way. Is it possible to shift the default view in its entirety to another tab so that all devices are captured there but not choking up the first page on my 5" touch screen?
However, there are groups called group.all_xxx (automatons, devices, switches etc) that are automatically created by the system. Their visibility is false by default.
If you set the visibility to true, you can see them all as a big group - suggest you add those groups to a new tab.
I have setup a tab I called diagnostics for the same purpose as you describe. However I can’t at the moment change the group visibility using a script or automation (I think there may be an issue with the group.set_visibility service - happy to be proven wrong. I am using 0.37.1
The trick is that even if you do set the visibility, it will default back to hidden for these groups on a restart of HA.
You can set it manually via the developer tabs for states ( <> ) though - let me know if you want more detail