Hello, I wanna conenct my dashboard to my Google Nest, but I need a https access for it. I tried everything, but nothing is working.
My HA is running on VM and SSL port 443 is forwarded to the host machine already.
How can I set it up?
Hello, I wanna conenct my dashboard to my Google Nest, but I need a https access for it. I tried everything, but nothing is working.
My HA is running on VM and SSL port 443 is forwarded to the host machine already.
How can I set it up?
I don’t know about Google Nest, but to configure HTTPS access for HA you need an SSL certificate. You can generate one using the Let’s Encrypt add-on.
Do you already have a certificate?
Yes, I have.
“I’ve tried everything” tells us exactly nothing, so we don’t know how to help you. Obviously you haven’t tried everything, or it would be working.
Be specific. Tell us every single thing you’ve done, in detail, so we can identify where you went wrong or what you missed.
Atm moment I amgetting 502 bad gateway. So I am stuck at reverse proxy in nginx I guess.