Can you install PYNX584 on HAOS?

Hi there,

I’m pretty new here and I’m switching from Domoticz to HA.

I’m beginning to understand the deeper concept of HA and HAOS.
I must confess that I thought that HA was similar to Domoticz on the Raspberry.

Before getting in to dashboards en automation, I first want to get all my hardware connected.
Almost everything works, but for my Alarm.

I have an NX-584 based system and aanstaande far as I know there is no integration or add-on for this system. I found out that I have to install pynx584 from Github and then I can address that when I add some lines to the configuration.yaml file.

Now I’m stuck with installing pynx584 on my HA Yellow.
I suppose I’m using the HAOS and therefore can’t install the Python based files.

Normally I would SSH and use the following line to install:

“# pip install pynx584”

But this doesn’t work with the internal SSH and the HAOS.

Is it correct that I can’t make this work with HAOS?

Any help is much appreciated.


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I’d like to bump this. I’m also wondering if PYNX584 can be installed and run on HAOS.

Found a guide on how to get it running on an external raspberry pi, but would like very much to not have to do that.

Same question, has anyone built an add-on to have PYNX running on my HAOS system itself? I would love to get rid of some of all these different connected boxes…

This guy kind of did…

However, I get errors installing as an add-on. I am sure this is doable but beyond my skills to troubleshoot.