Can you please help me make something that should be simple

Hi (And happy new year)

We have a Gazebo at home that have no sensors on it. We (my wife and I) want to create a notification if we for example leave home and the Gazebo in open (has the ability to catch the rain)

But we agreed we don’t want to be spammed every time we leave if it has been closed.

The solution was to make a simple input Boolean that we can manually toggle that would then enable the automations.

This issue is however…
My input toggle shows on off. Is there a way to change that to open/closed?

Thank you

Hi there,

I use a button card for the input Boolean.


show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: toggle
entity: of your boolean
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
show_state: true

Thanks for the response, however, what I am looking for is the state to show open/closed, not on/off.

Template binary sensor with the device class of your choosing:

If you are using Mushroom cards you could use a template card which changes the descirption of you boolean helper

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Gazebo
secondary: |-
  {% if is_state('input_boolean.gazebo', 'off') %}
  {%- elif is_state('input_boolean.gazebo', 'on') -%}
  {%- endif -%}
icon: mdi:clipboard
entity: input_boolean.gazebo
layout: vertical
  action: toggle
  action: toggle

I did not find a way to change the device_class of a boolean helper

Thank you. Yes I do use them.

Clever solution

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