Can you put a home assistant address in a subpath?

Good day,
want to insert home assistant in a sub path of a domain or ddns, can it be done?

I would like to use NGINX


It’s not supported. See

I think they should take this into consideration because it seems useful to me if not, you always have to specify the port or create a 3rd level domain or a second ddns if you want to expose more platforms

can’t even use NGNIX?

Yes, you can use nginx

You just have to use 3rd level domains, e.g. I have

I also have this configuration with a 3 level domain, but I would need to use a subpath

You can’t. Home Assistant doesn’t support it, as per the github issue I linked. It doesn’t matter what reverse proxy you use.

Use a subdomain.

for more sub-domains how networks are managed in italy would need more ddns clients and this is not possible for me

I don’t understand. If you have a domain xyz.tld you can do anything you like with it.

Anyway what you ask is not possible so you have to find a domain solution.

I use cloudflare (free) and my subdomains are just c-names pointing to my main domain. So just 1 ddns client needed. And there is a nice add-on to manage. search for letsdnsocloud on the forum.

ok, but if you want to open more subdomains


networks are managed with dynamic ip and I can only manage via ddns that need a client to update the ip.

I have already tried this problem

thanks, i am using either duckdns or google domains

I opened a thread with a request to add this works, I hope they take it into consideration and that we can discuss the matter

I’m sure google domains knows the concept of a c-name.

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yes, but I’m using the google domains ddns function and I don’t know if I can tell him to use only the same ip for more ddns, at least I haven’t found this function

Use dns for one hostname in your domain. Add a cname for one or more other names to that first hostname. Problem solved.

in the end it will be what I will do if the function cannot be added

It was already decided by the team that this won’t be added:

From a core dev (not naming so they don’t get spammed to hell, but you can see in ^ that ticket):

This will involve a LOT of work to both the backend and the frontend. And it will add work to each new feature/integration added, too. Or let alone the idea that a user would want to change the hosted path and all the config that now needs to be updated.

I don’t think it’s worth the effort to get there nor the effort to maintain it.

ok, thanks