Can you run TWO Rainforest Eagle-200?

Hi all! I’ve got an Eagle-200 up and running, but I haven’t yet added it to (need to do a full refresh of the pi after the dust settles from the move).

But this place has two separate 200A services that are intermixed between the main home and the suite. I want to track both, but when I ordered the Rainforest, and had it connected to my utility account, I found that it’s only tracking one of the two services. I had confirmed with Rainforest that I can add a second Eagle-200 for the other line. But what I’m not sure of is if I could even get both working under at the same time anyway.

I’m hoping someone has some insight or experience in this before I even order the second device.

Tracking two from HomeAssistant shouldn’t be a problem since the integration asks for an IP address and each Eagle-200 will have different IP addresses.