Cancelling an alert

Can I use the following to cancel an alert?

- service: alert.turn_off
  identity_id: alert.alert_name

Or is this not allowed?

You’ll want entity_id, but yes.

Is not allowed.
Should be entity_id

Thank you.

In the actionable notifications parameters there is ‘destructive:’

destructive ( Optional ): When the value of this property is a truthy value, the system displays the corresponding button differently to indicate that the action is destructive (text colour is red)

What exactly is 'destructive? What’s the difference if it is set or not? (apart from the red text).

A function like delete is destructive. So if you had a button that ran a script that shutdown your homeassistant and you wanted to colour it red to highlight it because you have no way of getting it back up until you get home, that would be when to use that key.

So, functionally, it does nothing except change the colour of the text.

Thank you from clarifying that. I appreciate it.