Cannnot connect my camera to MotionEye

Has anyone used MotionEye?
I recently purchased this camera: and am having trouble connecting it to MotionEye. I made the camera’s IP static and forwarded port 80 to the camera. I disconnected from my internal network and used my phone as a hot spot but I tried “Network Camera” “Remote MotionEye Camera” and “Simple MJPEG Camera” there’s no login for the camera so I tried a few things like the camera UID and the camera name along with the password that it asked me to set when I first set up the app. But each time I try to connect it says, “failed to connect. Connection refused.”

I kept the configuration at the default:

motion_webcontrol: false
ssl: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
action_buttons: []