Cannot access Deconz web UI

I just bought a Conbee 2. It is going to be the gateway for my zigbee devices. I installed DeCONZ and started it up. But when I try to open the web UI a new browser window opens and tries to access But the browser cannot access the website.

Any suggestions on how I can get access to web UI?


Here is the data from the log in case that helps:

[23:22:23] INFO: Starting VNC server…
[23:22:27] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway…
[23:22:27] INFO: Running the deCONZ OTA updater…
[23:22:27] INFO: Running the IKEA OTA updater…
[23:22:27] INFO: Running discovery task…
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
[23:22:27] INFO: Success send discovery information to Home Assistant
[23:22:27] INFO: deCONZ is set up and running!
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
23:22:28:167 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 40850, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
23:22:28:211 CTRL. 3.16.223:22:28:329 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:28:329 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
23:22:28:329 ZCLDB init file /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
23:22:28:497 parent process bash
23:22:28:497 gw run mode: docker/hassio
23:22:28:497 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
23:22:28:497 sd-card cid: 035344534c33324780ffffffff01247b
23:22:28:499 DB sqlite version 3.16.2
23:22:28:500 DB PRAGMA page_count: 30
23:22:28:500 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
23:22:28:500 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
23:22:28:500 DB file size 122880 bytes, free pages 0
23:22:28:500 DB PRAGMA user_version: 6
23:22:28:500 DB cleanup
23:22:28:501 DB create temporary views
23:22:28:507 don’t close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds
23:22:28:508 started websocket server at port 40860
23:22:28:513 discovery updated announce interval to 10 minutes
23:22:28:516 found node plugin: - REST API Plugin
23:22:28:519 found node plugin: - Signal Monitor Plugin
23:22:30:842 found node plugin: - STD OTAU Plugin
23:22:30:871 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:30:871 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
23:22:30:942 wait reconnect 15 seconds
23:22:30:974 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:30:974 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
23:22:31:890 wait reconnect 14 seconds
23:22:32:841 wait reconnect 13 seconds
23:22:33:777 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:33:790 wait reconnect 12 seconds
23:22:34:045 Announced to internet
23:22:34:046 discovery server date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 21:22:33 GMT
23:22:34:046 local time seems to be ok
23:22:34:046 discovery found version 2.04.35 for update channel stable
23:22:34:679 New websocket (state: 3)
23:22:34:741 wait reconnect 11 seconds
23:22:35:728 wait reconnect 10 seconds
23:22:36:727 wait reconnect 9 seconds
23:22:37:728 wait reconnect 8 seconds
23:22:38:728 wait reconnect 7 seconds
23:22:39:728 wait reconnect 6 seconds
23:22:40:728 wait reconnect 5 seconds
23:22:41:728 wait reconnect 4 seconds
23:22:42:728 wait reconnect 3 seconds
23:22:43:728 wait reconnect 2 seconds
23:22:43:769 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:44:728 wait reconnect 1 seconds
23:22:44:770 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:44:770 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
23:22:45:727 wait reconnect 15 seconds
23:22:45:771 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
23:22:45:771 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyACM0 (ConBee II)
23:22:46:729 wait reconnect 14 seconds

Were you able to fix this? I am having same issue

I just had the same Problem and fixed it by creating a new port forwarding rule for the IP of my install in my router (for Port 40850 external to Port 40850 internal) which now lets me access Deconz

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ĂŹ do have that same issue.

[11:30:26] INFO: Waiting for device…
[11:30:26] INFO: Starting VNC server…
[11:30:29] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway…
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)

I’m running the deconz docker container in Truenas Scale and had the same problem.

What did the trick for me was using the server IP (192.168.0.x) followed by the port set under the Port Forwarding section (in the container settings or docker file). These HTTP and HTTPS ports had to be above 9000.

What I was confused by is that there is a separate box to set the Web Portal port, so I assumed that I had to use that port for the Phoscon GUI. But that one doesn’t do anything as far as I can tell?