Hi, i am Very new to the HA World and just recently bought a HA green for the sole purpose of receiving data from my ventilation system that the manufacturer wouldnt show in their own app.
So, as i thought i was trying to configure a yaml for a modbus designed for communicating with the ventilation system i thought i was editing the yaml for the esp32 module with file editor ( i know now that this is not the way, i should have added ESPhome to HA first) but as i now think back, i think i have accidently deleted all text in the main config.yaml file - or some other yaml file, not entirely sure.
After a reboot of the green i have not since been able to access the Dashboard or anything Else.
I have tried flashing the OS with a microSD but when following the steps from HA the system just boots up as normal… there is No fast flashing of the yellow light or anything Else indicating a reinstallation of the OS.
I am now at at a point where i dont know what to do - so hoping for a little expert help in here.
The system is brand new so a factory reset wouldnt be a problem - i just cant get it to work.
Thanks in advance