I was following Will Surridge’s video Home Assistant - Back To Basics 4: Duck DNS on setting up DuckDns and Lets Encrypt. I had the domain from some time ago but had not set it up fully.
I installed Lets Encrypt ok and DuckDNS in HA seems to be fine, as regards the logs.
However, I now cannot open the url at all, whether using the homeassistant or ip address method.
My belief is I have done something wrong on the port forwarding step. The issue with these kind of steps in instructions is that rarely do they have the same router setup/front end and so, unless you have in depth knowledge of firewalls/port forwarding, it is difficult to relate to your own router. I have a BT smart hub. I can show what I have done which is set up the basic rules (I think…). However, I couldn’t find the Inbound Services equivalent (6:10 in the video) so think that may be the issue. Should have backed out at that point but i soldiered on.
What I have set up is below. I can access the HA logs via SSH and it looks like HA is starting.
Although that did not seem to work initially, I retried it after your reply. It did work using the external domain on this attempt, so I do have access now. Should the local address still work I.e. homeassistant.local:8123 or the other variations without local or with ip address, as these seem to be inaccessible now.
I realise that this all makes sense to you but I am struggling with understanding what I need to do. I actually believe I had NabuCasa set up when I first started dabbling with home Assistant last year. However, it seemed from posts that I needed to encrypt myself and that is why I followed the video.
Given my lack of real understanding of firewall ports and encryption, is it best that I attempt to uninstall LetsEncrypt and get DuckDNS/NabuCasa working together again (although I will have to look that up too)?
Oh and just to help with your questions regarding my setup:
Raspberry Pi4 Home Assistant installation, not a docker setup
BT Smart Hub 2 basic connection (no special servers involved)