Cannot access hass instance after duckdns config

Hello folks, I have a problem with accessing hassio instance (running on pi3) after configuring duckdns/letsencrypt. Looking for some help/guidance.

I did a vanilla installation of hassio (latest version available for download). I got the instance up and running, then installed the SSH add-on, no problem. Then I installed the duckdns addon, configured it, started the addon, did the port forwarding (443 -> 8123) in the router and restarted hass. I can’t access the instance anymore, not even by the local address. I have given this a go multiple times and will appreciate any help. My setup

duckdns config

  "lets_encrypt": {
    "accept_terms": true,
    "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
    "keyfile": "privkey.pem"
  "token": "my-token",
  "domains": [""],
  "seconds": 300

I have verified that the cert files exist at the location /ss/fullchain.pem and /ssl/privkey.pem.

My configuration.yaml file is as following


  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Please note that I tried changing the base_url to, but, even that doesn’t work.

Some other things about the setup

  1. 443 on the router is forwarded to 8123 on pi
  2. pi has been configured to have a static ip

When I try to access the instance from the browser like it says “the site can not be reached”. I guess I am missing something very very basic in the setup. Any help will be appreciated.


https:// in the base url is correct…

Are you accessing the site EXTERNALLY or from your network?

Your router may not support NAT Loopback/Hairpin NAT which is why you can’t access internally…

Thank you David! I can’t access the site neither externally nor from the network. Even using the local ip 192.168.x.x:8123 doesn’t work after I have enabled duckdns/letsencrypt.

I am completely fed up with hassio. I ended up junking it completely and did with a

  1. manual install of homeassistant on raspbian
  2. setup nginx and letsencrypt
  3. setup duckdns
  4. proxied traffic from nginx to hass running on pi

And that take much less time than spending two days on I feel that “tries” to be easy to use, but, there are so many issues

  1. There are so many documentation available, but, none of them is definitive. Given this is open source software, I realize that maintaining updated documentation is hard for the project seems to be under active development. But, developers should look into this issue.
  2. When things don’t work, the system doesn’t allow you enough control
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No idea what this means. Official documentation is official documentation. If you are using tutorials on YouTube or random blogs on the internet, that’s on you. 99.99999% of the time, THOSE are out of date, whereas the official documentation is updated regularly, by us, the community.

That’s a HassOS problem, not a HassIO problem.