Cannot Access Home Assistant via Wifi

Hi All. Happy New Year and my first post.

I am currently unable to access the HA frontend: via wifi.
I can access it via 3/4g via perfectly.
however once i get home i cannot access it via the same url using wifi.
I have to switch my phone to 3/4g for it to work.

Please help.

Edit - Just found this and i still have the same issue. So decided to leave the HNY in place.

Why don’t you use the internal ip address of the wifi http://yourinternalip:8123 ?

http to the internal address will not work if HTTPS is enabled.
This sounds like it might be a DNS problem. From a command line, try ping and see if the ping resolves to the outside address of your network internet connection.

I can access it this way, but i currently have an icon (that stores the address) on my iphone that takes me to HA.
If i was to use my local ip, i would need two icons.

Treno, i will give that a go when i get home.

Yep that’s how I do it :slight_smile:

There has to be a better way Keith. There has to be a better way :wink: