Cannot Activate the Home Assistant skill for Google Assistant

Hi all,

If subscribed to HA cloud yesterday to start using Google Assistant and Amazon Echo with HA. The Echo works perfect (and has been working before with the cloud beta).

Since Google Assistant (GA) is in dutch now, I wanted to try that, but when I to add the HA skill for GA via the link provided in the Integration Menu of HA Cloud I get an error from Google saying “We can’t find what you’re looking for etc…”

Also searching manually for the skill doesn’t find anything. Also the whole process is a bit unclear how to set this up, If you Google for it you’ll find a lot of different ways (mostly outdated I guess) to configure HA with Google Assistant.

I’m using HA 0.83.3, does someone experience the same issue?

I am having the same issue with 0.83.3. Ia m not able to find the skill to activate it


I figured what was wrong… when clicking the link in HA to add the skill it opens the google assistant app (on the phone or on the web) but the skill needs to be added in the Google Home app, not the Google Assistant app.

So use the Google Home App and you’ll find the skill… very confusing!