Cannot add respositories to Supervisor

Hi, I am a fairly recent convert to Home Assistant. I have it running on a current model Raspberry Pi B, using the supported OS installation method for Raspberry Pi. Since day 1, I have had problems trying to install 3rd party repositories, they all bring up this same error. Has anybody encountered this before? I’m new enough that I’m not 100% certain the best way to troubleshoot this.

Here is the repo I tried most recently, but I’ve tried a few of the popular ones:

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor ([documentation](, [issues](

Failed to to call /supervisor/options - Invalid Add-on repository!

That is not a Supervisor add-on, so it is not possible to add this to the supervisor add-ons repositories.

it is a repository for hacs :

First you need to install HACS, then you can add it to the HACS repositories (if it is not yet included)

Ha! Thank you. I appreciate your help!

Hi. I suspect something has changed because I’m receiving the same error when attempting to add a repository.

Failed to to call /supervisor/options - Invalid Add-on repository!

Instructions from Home Assistant · ParadoxAlarmInterface/pai Wiki · GitHub state the following:

“In your Home Assistant installation add 3rd party add-on repository in the Add-on Store: GitHub - ParadoxAlarmInterface/hassio-repository: HASS.IO repository”.

Supervisor doesnt seem to exist now and I can’t see any option to add a repository to HACS as per your last post. That repository has its own github site. There’s only one place I can see to add the repository and it fails. Any ideas please?

There’s also this guide which appears to be out of date as well:

After spending many hours on this today (including trying HACS which was incorrect for these plugins), I was about to give up when I saw a notification for an update to Home Assistant OS 7.6 (I only installed 7.5 a few days ago).

I updated, not expecting it to make any difference but the add-ins are suddenly working. Not sure what the issue was but its miraculously working now.

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