Cannot adopt ESP32

I can’t seem to adopt a esp32 board. It is on my wifi network. Everytime I try to adopt it I get this error:

xtensa-esp32-elf-g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See for instructions.
*** [/data/esphome-web-6d33cc/.pioenvs/esphome-web-6d33cc/src/esphome/components/api/api_pb2.cpp.o] Error 4

I am installing on a RPI3, all the firmware is up to date. If I delete esphome will all the .yaml entries be removed??

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Can’t find that :thinking: Were did you submit that?

If you delete the esphome add on the yaml files should not be deleted. Still a (regular) backup is obviously advised :bulb:

I did not submit a report. I was confused trying to figure out what was needed. I think th eissue is that my RPI3 is struggling. It went offline several times while I have been trying to get this working. I am going to shelve this until I can get a better suited platform to run HA on.

I don’t have that much running on it except for a integration to a Hubitat.

I see that now that the .yaml files are still there from all the trying I was doing. I have it doing backups automatically. I have a 128G USB stick that I am using for data.

Thanks for the responses.

A RPI3 can be sufficient for a small to moderate ha installation - but it will not be capable of running (actually compiling) esphome nodes with the esphome (dashboard) addon.

Still one can make use of HA with esphome nodes as it doesn’t matter were they are created. You can for example install the esphome (dashboard) on your normal computer/workstation to create, edit and flash esp’s and then connect the esphome nodes to HA.

Hmm I didn’t know this. My work PC is Linux Mint. I am working on getting another PC to run HA on. But this is interesting. Thanks for the info

I’m also running Hassio with a Rpi3 b+ since 3 months and I also got this slowdown/freeze while compiling.
It’s not necessary to unplug your alimentation even if it’s not responding, it’s still processing in background and after somes minutes it’ll come back.

I’m working on it and compiling each days for some esp8266 and esp12f, but since the last update performed Yesterday, i’ve got the same error and impossible to do anything.

Is hassio blocking now the update performed with rpi3+ ?
It’s really annoying and blocking my development projects.

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The rpi3 often chokes on esphome’s memory requirements.

Best to run esphome on another machine, preferably linux, but it will run on windows I think.

please, how is this supposed to work?
There was no problem earlier. Problem arose since last update. Error indicates missing “firmware.elf”.

This is not a bug of pi.

compile works, but with errors.

On Linux is probably different.

Problem affects “OS”. Pi= operating system HA OS (former “hassio”)

You can’t install anything afterwards because everything runs as “Addons”, including “SHH and Terminal”

On Windows EspHome doesn’t even work in VS Code.

You need a “converter” from .yaml to .bin to be able to flash the file.

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Do you mean how does adoption work?

Latest or last is not a version, please be specific.

We need full logs

that’s what esphome does, compile a firmware from yaml to a bin file.

Hello, I am continuing the above mentioned problems (I also have them recently)

The description of ESPHome is not clear…

The problems that more and more users are posing on the Internet do not relate to a Pi with Ubuntu, where HA is also running, but to the Home Assistant system as the OS, with Ubuntu as the system itself not being used by the user.

“Last version” means "Update from September… That’s when it started to get crazy…

You install ESPHome in HA as it has become a part, either directly from ESPHome page (blue “button”) or as “official addon”, not how you do it because “dev” is not listed here…

The “web-dash” page works, the board can also be “paired”, the displayed connection is correct…

First you do the first flash in “web-dash”. After that it should actually work via WLAN, but it doesn’t…

What I noticed after reading so much is that ESPHome-dash should actually be able to be opened in browsers with its own port number (like MQTT or NodeRed), but that’s not the case… It doesn’t matter whether as "homeassistant.local or IP -Address of Home Assistant + port

I was also shown an error in VS Code that the page cannot be opened… So apparently it has something to do with installation in general… The port cannot be opened, whether in a browser, in Atom, or in VS…

Normally it doesn’t really matter how an ESP or NODEMCU gets its “.bin file”, it just has to get the “yaml” created in ESPHome…

But if ESPHome doesn’t work (I think it has more to do with “Native Client”) then we need a “compiler” that makes from yaml->bin… Unfortunately ESPHome doesn’t do that… It just creates that yaml, but neither the board gets it, nor can you download it (downloading makes a Pi3 a bit difficult)

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I highly recommend docker, but if you don’t want docker:

Did you follow the install instructions here Installing ESPHome Manually — ESPHome

And then for the dashboard Getting Started with the ESPHome Command Line — ESPHome

If esphome still isn’t working, let us have logs.

Hello, thanks for the feedback…

I assume not only I, but also everyone else read the instructions…

(I also had to update python, but the mentioned page is not good for Windows, you have to install it from WindowsStore, otherwise nothing works)

Since the last update, ESPHome has been tightly integrated into HA, it works a bit differently and actually almost everything works as if all addons were in separate dockers within Home Assistant…

But what you mean is HA itself in Docker, which is not the case with the “OS version” though…

A lot has changed since 2022-09, when a lot of new features were updated (for the birthday), only now do you notice the differences between the many different installation variants…

I’m in the process of “pulling”, i.e. installing HA on Pi 4 (with 8GB RAM), it’s not easy at all… (I don’t even know how it’s supposed to work without Snashot now, the pi4 is different, how pi3)

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I thought you were running Ubuntu, not windows.

windows since 3.1, so quite a long time…

HA is on Pi. But you can use it in any browser, Chrome and Edge, although Windows is more SSL capable (ESPHome needs it for flash)

In Ubuntu you have to constantly install something, in Windows you don’t… (I only know “sudo” and “get”)

No it is not.

No it doesn’t

maybe not for you because you don’t use windows, but for me it is…
on the page, “install esphome manual” it also says that you need “ssl enabled browser”…
“esphome web-dash” doesn’t work in Chrome, but it does in Edge… Just like Tasmota “webinstall” or easyesp…
“UART”… better said, the serial connection doesn’t work in Chrome… my tablet (13") has OTA connection… I can use ArduinoIDE for board flesh, but ESPHome in HA not, because Arfuino Chrome , used as default browser… To go around, through NabuCasa it is possible to open HA not as “homeassistant.local:8123” and as an app, but install Microsoft APP in Android, open the IP address in Edge, and fann also manages to upload ESPHome… just downloading fas to a tablet is not a good idea

I use windows 10 as my desktop and chrome for my browser. SSL works in chrome, believe me. So does the esphome dashboard.

Also only one of the four methods of uploading the firmware from esphome requires an ssl browser, and that is “Plug into this computer”:

I also use chrome, because of Android, so I can read everywhere, but neither Tasmota webinsrall or ESPHome, nor easyesp work in Chrome… not even on the PC… in Edge all…

Neither does Win11

other install…

pi in the cabinet at the router, laptop/tablet/phone at the table, easy to handle…
You don’t flash ESP on the pi, but on the laptop/tablet/phone, so either plug it in or online (ota, as “web dash”)

at least the above questions refer to this compilation…

They certainly use other methods… perhaps Ubuntu as the second operating system on the PC (or USB hard drive or in the virtual box) and then within Ubuntu in the Docker HA

You can only choose from the 4 methods if the ESP/Node has already been paired… then it works via wifi… (it turns green and says it’s online)

Is it offline, or is the board still new, and should a new project on ESP including sensors, display, relay, switch, then it has to be plugged in to be able to flash it… (or you download the yaml/bin and plug it in later, and uses ESP-Flash) The board has to be plugged in at least once anyway…

but that also works with Tasmota and easyesp or in the IDE…
plug it in once, because of wifi and OTA, and then you can always change it in wifi too