Hello, I am continuing the above mentioned problems (I also have them recently)
The description of ESPHome is not clear…
The problems that more and more users are posing on the Internet do not relate to a Pi with Ubuntu, where HA is also running, but to the Home Assistant system as the OS, with Ubuntu as the system itself not being used by the user.
“Last version” means "Update from September… That’s when it started to get crazy…
You install ESPHome in HA as it has become a part, either directly from ESPHome page (blue “button”) or as “official addon”, not how you do it because “dev” is not listed here…
The “web-dash” page works, the board can also be “paired”, the displayed connection is correct…
First you do the first flash in “web-dash”. After that it should actually work via WLAN, but it doesn’t…
What I noticed after reading so much is that ESPHome-dash should actually be able to be opened in browsers with its own port number (like MQTT or NodeRed), but that’s not the case… It doesn’t matter whether as "homeassistant.local or IP -Address of Home Assistant + port
I was also shown an error in VS Code that the page cannot be opened… So apparently it has something to do with installation in general… The port cannot be opened, whether in a browser, in Atom, or in VS…
Normally it doesn’t really matter how an ESP or NODEMCU gets its “.bin file”, it just has to get the “yaml” created in ESPHome…
But if ESPHome doesn’t work (I think it has more to do with “Native Client”) then we need a “compiler” that makes from yaml->bin… Unfortunately ESPHome doesn’t do that… It just creates that yaml, but neither the board gets it, nor can you download it (downloading makes a Pi3 a bit difficult)