Cannot connect anymore to hassbian.local

After installing duckdns and ssl certificate i am not able to connect locally to http://hassbian.local:8123, but only if i use https connection (the browser tells me it’s not secure). Is it normal or not? How to connect locally after installing duckdns and ssl certificate?

This is normal, use the duckdns address always.

Ok… i also noticed i still can connect locally but i have alerts from my browser… btw i will use only duckdns address…
Thanks… always useful…

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Hmm… i lost all the yeelight bulbs after it… any connection with https?

Don’t know off the top of my head. But if they need to speak to homeassistant via a url it will need updating.

In which way? At the beginning of installation of duckdns docs say to forward port 80 and 443 on router and then to delete them… is this correct or must i keep those ports forwarded?

It doesn’t say to delete them, you need to keep them.

hmm… at point 6 of the guide it says:
“Remove the port 443 and port 80 forwarding from your router.”

maybe i must put yeelight devices in configuration.yaml? Before this i had no entry about them

Step 6 only says to remove the “ha_test” port forward, which was 8123 > 8123.

Step 6 in full…

In step 2 we created a port forwarding rule called ha_test. This opens port 8123 to the world, and is no longer necessary.

Go to your router’s configuration pages and delete the ha_test rule.

You should now have two rules in relation to Home Assistant for your port forwards, named:

ha_ssl and ha_letsencrypt

If you have any more for Home Assistant you should delete them now. If you only have ha_ssl this is probably because during step 4 you had to use port 443 instead of port 80, so we deleted the rule during step 5.

You are now part of one of two groups:

If you have BOTH rules you are able to set up auto renewals of your certificates using port 80 and the standard http challenge, as performed above.
If you only have one, you are still able to set up auto renewals of your certificates, but will have to specify additional options when renewing that will temporarily stop Home Assistant and use port 8123 for certificate renewal.
Please remember whether you are a ONE-RULE person or a BOTH-RULE person for step 8!

Let’s Encrypt certificates only last for 90 days. When they have less than 30 days left they can be renewed. Renewal is a simple process.

Move on to step 7 to see how to monitor your certificates expiry date, and be ready to renew your certificate when the time comes.

Maybe we follow 2 different guides…
mine is:
Guide: How to set up DuckDNS, SSL, and Chrome Push Notifications



This is about forwarding in my router.
Is this correct?

Official docs…

I read these docs are not for hassbian… or maybe i can follow also this?

It’s fine for hassbian, the note at the top about hassbian tells you that there’s also a script you can use in hassbian to do some of it for you automatically.

Thanks, i finally got it working but i want also to install html5 push notification, but i am asked for the homeassistant user password and i don’t have it… how or where to get tha password?

Official docs for html5…

No mention of a requirement for a password.

when trying to install dependencies to use html5 inside virtual environment i am always asked to insert the homeassistant user password…

You don’t install system dependencies from inside the venv, you install them as your pi user :+1:

Ok i’ll try again… but following some other video guides i see something different…
btw i’ll follow your indications… :slight_smile:

Edit: how to have the html5 push notification in the panel of the frontend?