Cannot connect from external with smartphone

Hi , i don’t know what to try anymore!!
I have setup an address with duckdns.
With my Galaxy S8, when i’m on my local network , i can connect with the app or with Chrome no problem.
But as soon as i’m on external network ( let’s say LTE) i cannot connect.From external i tried Chrome,Webview, Firefox and the APP.
i get "Initializing " foreever, and if i refresh it say unaccessible or connection refused!!

here my config file :
# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) 
 # Text to speech
   - platform: google_translate
 group: !include groups.yaml
 automation: !include automations.yaml
 script: !include scripts.yaml
 scene: !include scenes.yaml
   ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
   ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Port forwarding done in Router

What am i missing ?

check if your internet provider uses ipv6 / ipv4. mobile & router. both protocols cannot be combined. either the connection is used via ipv4 or ipv6. you can set this in duckdns.

Thanks ,i guess i’ll have to read some more, i don’t know how to set it in duckdns and i can’t find which ipv my mobile is using !!

Try out
Once by your mobile and by your local isp via WLAN.
Best regard

some hopefully helpful tips can be found here:

Thanks i’m on ipv4 finally

check all these yesterday, did not help

for now i removed duckdns add on and install MariaDB and Nginx ,now, i have error 400 when trying to access from external net !!!

ok, i reinstalled duckdns add-on over MariaDb and Nginx and now it s working from exernal, don’t ask me why , i have no idea

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