Cannot connect Mi Light detection sensor to ZHA

I was able to add my Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus as a ZHA device. The stick is recognized and everything seems to work.

Gerät Informationen
CC1352/CC2652, Z-Stack 3.30+ (build 20210708)
von Texas Instruments
Verbunden über Texas Instruments CC1352/CC2652, Z-Stack 3.30+ (build 20210708)
Zigbee info
IEEE: 00:12:4b:00:24:c8:5f:19
Nwk: 0x0000
Device Type: Coordinator
LQI: Unbekannt
RSSI: Unbekannt
Zuletzt gesehen: 2022-04-20T19:50:19
Energiequelle: Mains

I then click add devices and activate pairing mode on the light sensor ( Xiaomi Light Detection Sensor, YTC4043GL, grau: Elektronik & Foto). Immediately this shows up and never ends.

Be sure to follow setup tips and best practices as Zigbee is very sensitive to interference: from →


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Thanks for all the advices! Managed to connect to the device after many tries somehow worked. But now, the device reports a very high number of illuminance and goes offline after some time.

Tried to reconfigure the device which results in

It going offline after a time will probably be due to interference, or not enough routers, or a poor battery. Again be sure to read and try to follow most if not all setup tips and best practices linked above.

Device reporting a very high number of illuminance or similar extremely high or extremely low values usually means that divisor and/or multiplier needs to be fixed in ZHA Device Handlers “quirk” for it.

Report such as device support request to →

Reaon why quirks for some devices may sometimes be needed is explained here →

PS: It probably helps if could temporarily switch to English language for screenshots/troubleshooting.

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Thanks once more, I’ll try the divisor. It going off is very strange, I have the device 30cm distant to the router (Sonoff USB dongle). I followed all steps in the links you provided and also replaced the battery.
I habe other Zigbee devices that work like a charm and are way more distant.

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Also be sure to upgrade firmware on both the Zigbee Coordinator and any Zigbee Router if possible.

Already did update to latest version it and it works fine along with other devices.


hi thanks for sharing your experience. I just got a few of these and should be getting them next week.

I’m using Conbee II stick with ZHA.

May I ask, how is it working now and how often does the sensor update the light value? seconds? minutes?

I guess its too early to ask how good the battery life is.

thanks for your help.


just got the sensors and they work brilliantly (pun intended) with ZHA and Conbee II. They also update often, so, right now my only concern is battery life.


FYI, there is a huge difference between cheap unbranded and expensive batteries from famous brands.

Also know that weak signal reception and interference can play a role in battery life as poor reception on either side meant that messages will need to be resent over and over again, so follow these tips:


In my experience Aqara sensors can last over 2-years when using quality batteries and good conditions.

So add more products acting as Zigbee Routers devices and implement workarounds for interference.

Zigbee signals are weak so rely on a strong Zigbee network mesh (meaning many Zigbee Router devices) and are very sensitive to RMF/EMI/RMI interference so it makes it much easier to troubleshoot and find the real root cause if have already optimized your setup and environment to work around that.

Hey, I am running in the same issue. My sensor shows the same value all the time: 3.576.021 lx

Did you got a solution for that?

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I also have the same issue. I had one of these sensors that worked find with zha and a Conbee II stick, but after replacing the Conbee II with the SkyConnect I also got a constant 3,576,021 lx reading. I tried a second (new) sensor today, thinking the first one was broken as it had worked before with the Conbee II, but the second sensor shows the same constant value. Seems like the issue is with the coordinator.

I am having the exact same issue. Did anyone get around this yet? The luminance is not reported correctly. It also does not change so it must something else than a calculation factor. If I connect it to the Mi Control Hub it does show the right luminance.

I cannot though connect it as a subdevice over the control hub (probably not yet implemented.

Any help or nudge would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same issue.

I previously used deCONZ add on, but after switching to ZHA, the light sensors are not responding, just showing one light value and an unknown battery level.
I’ve tried exchanging the battery, but it doesn’t help.

I have other Aqara/Xiaomi devices, which works without issues with ZHA.

I managed to connect the light sensors by removing their batteries for a couple of minutes, removing their devices and any lovelace interface related to the device.

I then reconnected the sensors to HA via ZHA and it worked.

Any further success with this? I have the same issue. Sensors are at 3,576,021 lx. I have 3 sensors and all have the same behavior. It also does not seem to be a calculation error since the value is never changing.

Strangely enough I can also not Connect them to the official mi hub 2.

Any idea how to read the right value? Any other approaches than the one described? Or ideas? Replacing the batteries or taking them out for a while did not work for me.

Setup: Deconz Raspbee 2 on Pi 4


Ok. I already found the solution to my particular problem. I had to update my raspbee 2 and now it works like a charm. To do that disable the ZHA integration, then enable the „deConz“ addon. Once it is started go the the phoscon web interface and click on the burger icon top left, go to gateway and click on update . After that stop the addon deConz again. Reenable the ZHA integration and reboot (optional). Once everything is back up try adding the light sensor again. I had a right reading afterwards.