Cannot connect with local address

So this hairpin/loopback NAT usually works for me, but what about when the internet goes out?
Mine goes out right after the power goes out (comcast/xfinity doesn’t keep the batteries up)
I live in an area of overhead utilities and lots of trees so it happens whenever the wind picks up.

Is the reverse proxy the only way to have the HA android app still work with no internet if you have duckdns configured?

Facing this issue also and am not seeing why there isn’t a setting for the mobile app to ignore cert errors when on local. My Wall Panel (app) tablet does.
My asuswrt merlin doesn’t appear to have Nat loopback functionality.
This not working makes it a pain when the internet goes out. So while HA may not be cloud based, this makes it less than seamless with connectivity issues.


Thank you Domaray. Your instruction works perfectly! And also solved an issue I had with “Unable to login” issue on the Android app.

Fyi, for anyone who has a “400 Bad Request” in step 8 when using the external URL. You can follow this solution to solve it: Home assistant (400 Bad Request) Docker + Proxy - Solution

In newer HA versions the following lines in Configuration.yaml are needed:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

If you get the error “400 Bad request” when trying to connect from external, check the logs in Configuration → Logs. There you will see an error and an IP like “172.30.x.x”. Add that IP in trusted_proxies on the code above.
Maybe one day the access fails again, so check the log and you will probably find another IP to be added. It happened to my right now.

I thought I might reopen this thread, has anyone figured out a method when you have duckdns setup to also access the local URL?

I’ve got my which works perfectly at home (when I have internet access)

My internal address (way back 3 years ago) was however I needed to update it to go SSL for a few things.

I’ve setup port forward etc, never been an issue but home home internet has been down for 16hrs now and really want a local access method in desperate times.

Any method of running both?

in order to go back to what you had you need to let a reverse proxy handle the SSL certificate. You’ll need to find a guide to do that. In terms of mobile apps we have this page to help:

May not provide the info you are looking for so try looking at community guides.

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Amazing thanks! I’ll roll this out for my next internet blackout!

Yup this occurred to me as well.

My issue: I’m running in a python VENV on a Mac and add-ons aren’t available. Has anyone managed to manually install Adguard (or something similar) and get split-brain working?

Edit: looks like Adguard can be installed w/ Homebrew. I’ll report back if I get it working
Edit 2: complete, works great