Cannot controle Sonoff Touch from

Don’t know what all this is about, are you not using the add on?

Im using the mosquitto addon withing

OK, that didn’t really help but somewhere in tasmota you must have set up the topics, it might be where ever you set the device up?

You only need this in your config yaml…

  broker: core-mosquitto
  username: YOUR_USERNAME
  password: YOUR_PASSWORD

OH? ok let me try that

Nope :frowning:

Topics are further down on the page he screen grabbed from the tasmota web UI.

Lwt settings can be sent from the console in the web UI but I believe it’s all set up by default.

Nope what?
Above in all that code stuff i dont understand is the section below…

If he’s been using it like above and it works for all the other switches this won’t help getting that one to work, it has to be a topic/payload problem I think

It’s in the add on doc…

I don’t think you need to change anything in there, I just thought you might of that’s all

I changed it like you stated and everything works still except that one switch… the touch switch.

noooooo I left that crap in the Sonoff SW alone expect the wifi info.

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Yep but only the first two i.e. cmnd/switch1 that’s not the full topic also it doesn’t define the payload, which could also be incorrect.

It might be that you have POWER at the end of the topic, you may not need it for this type of switch?

so in the swiches.yaml file i removed the /power but still no joy

Yep that was just a guess based on the fact that this is a different switch from the others :frowning: As I said very early on try using an mqtt sniffer to subscribe to the general topic such as stat/switch1 and see what the switch is sending to. mosquitto_sub can do it but there are better ones for your phone I think.

I have that switch working now!!! Thanks for all the help guys!!!

And can we know exactly what did you change to make it work??

Well to be honest I’m not 100% sure what the issue was. Clearly it was something to do with the Tasmota firmware I originally installed. I upgraded all of my devices to newest one using the Firmware.bin file and OTA feature. After reboot it was working.