Cannot create sensors.yaml

I created a number of sensors within my configuration.yaml file and wanted to break up that into a separate sensors.yaml file. So initially I replaced all mentions of sensor within configuration.yaml with:

sensor: !include sensors.yaml

Nothing. Within my editor (Visual Code Studio, OS X), I can see sensors.yaml within the config directory. But it cannot be opened or created:

  • When attempting to open: “Unable to open ‘sensors.yaml’: File not found (file:///Volumes/config/sensors.yaml)”.
  • There’s a button to create file. When I try that: A system error occurred (ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/Volumes/config/sensors.yaml’)"

I’ve tried creating a blank sensors.yaml file and then mv into config dir.

Caledonia:~ mlaich$ mv -fi ~/Desktop/sensors.yaml /Volumes/config/
overwrite /Volumes/config/sensors.yaml? (y/n [n]) y
mv: /Volumes/config/sensors.yaml: No such file or directory

What is happening, and why?

Isn’t it just /config/ ?
You’re trying to write to/create to a folder that doesn’t exist and you have no rights to

The folder does exist. I have a perfectly valid configuration.yaml file that lives there, amongst others.

I see /config/ as being in my root level folder with hassio

I don’t have a /volumes/ folder at all

Looks like you’re not using hassio?
Have you tried sudo mv etc?

Using, current version.
/Volumes/ is where it’s mounted. That’s not really the issue. /config/ is the root dir for hass.
Have tried sudo. Doesn’t work.

i pretty much only see those errors if I don’t have the rights to a folder or it doesn’t exist.

Thanks for trying to help. But i’ve got full access to the directory. I’m not sure what more I can do.

I’ll just go back to having my sensors all listed in configuration.yaml.

have you tried editing it directly with nano? I’m not sure what your -fi switches do…

Progress. Can (and have) created sensors.yaml manually via nano.

  • Works in hass
  • The file does not appear in file explorer (Finder in my Mac example).

Makes me wonder if you’re creating the file in the folder you think you are. Maybe it’s using a different user/path? I’ve had that with regular Linux and a pi user and a root user end up with a file in a different path depending on the user…

Doubt it.

Directory (not visible, but working):
Via terminal (visible and working):