Cannot delete entities

HA v2023.9.3

I have several entities defined in a custom component that exposes binary_sensors and switches. When I comment specific ones out and reboot HA, the entities continue to show up in HA. Similarly, I have a cover template that includes these entities. Again, when I comment out the cover template, reboot HA, the specific cover template is still in HA.

Reading the forums, there is mention of a known.yaml, but I do not have this file. I have also tried removing the entities through Settings → Devices & services → Entities, but the entities in question all have the “read-only” symbol beside them.

How do I remove unwanted entities???

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Have you tried disabling the integration these entities belong to( and all related automations, scripts, templates, where these are referred to ), restart Ha, then delete the entities

Hi @boheme61 , (and everybody) :slightly_smiling_face:

Having the same problem I tried your solution but the word “delete” remains grayed out.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I did mean In Setting/devices-Service/entities

  1. disable the integration(and all it’s entities)
    (1.5 -restart ha) … just as precaution
  2. enable the entities you want to “Remove”
  3. restart ha, when asked
  4. choose the enabled entities, then “Remove”

Should work, i just tried to remove bunch of unknown-device_trackers

I tried that. Commented out my custom component in configuration.yaml, commented out all references to the entities in all my .yaml files. Yet, even after a reboot, the entities continue to linger. They’re still marked as “read-only”, so I cannot delete them through the UI either.


You can do this:

a) shutdown HA
b) edit config/.storage/core.entity_registry search a delete the entries

Probably a good idea to make a backup of the file. The file is Json and if you break the format then HA will not start.


That did the trick. Thank you!

I “missed” that it was an integration in configuration.yaml , thou ofcause the suggested solution is always an “option”, regardless whether there is an existing integration or not. ( as a last “resort” )

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