Cannot delete REST sensor

TLDR; Where are REST sensors stored?

I created a REST sensor in my sensor.yaml using:

- platform: rest

Then later I deleted this YAML section to get rid of the sensor as I had no more use for it. However, it still shows up in the entities list under Settings --> Devices & Services --> Entities
I have searched for it in .storage\core.entity_registry and everywhere else in the config folders, but to no avail.
I cannot for the life om me figure out where HA stores such entities, thus I cannot get rid of it.
Please help.

Delete the yaml. Restart. Delete the “restored” (stupid name) sensor from the Settings → Devices & Services → Entities list.

The only reference to “restored” that I could find, are entities with the red circular arrow with an exclamation mark inside, in the “status” field - right?
But that particaular sensor that I wish to get rid of, is not listed as restored. It has a grey edit-pencil with a backslash through it.


Then you have not deleted the yaml and restarted.

Indeed I have. And restarted several times.
But it kept showing up even after restarts. But then I had to run a little errand, and when I came back, it was gone!? Just like that. Very strange behavior - I think. :open_mouth:
Anyway, thank you for helping :+1: