Same issue. Android App and Firefox beta. Cleared cache on both.
Removed on laptop. I think it has to do with the phone UI. When I click the ‘x’ on the laptop the entire line/entry disappeared. When I tap that same x on the phone it clears the text but seems to think i want to change what is on the line so it remains there.
I clicked off of it and even tried editing another entry and was eventually able to remove one. But I couldn’t remove the 2nd no matter what I tried without using the laptop.
I had the same issue. Removing it seems to be no problem but after a few minutes the removed device tracker appeared again.
After searching for a long time for the cause (and almost submitting an issue) I found out that the removed device tracker was added again to the person when specific device (iOS device) pushed an update. When checking the Companion App settings on the specific device I found out that my server was listed twice and apparently causing the re-adding of the device tracker to the specific person.
Edit: sadly above explanation didn’t resolve my issue …
Edit 2: reinstalling the iOS app and connecting the app did the trick.
I updated the Issue with my findings, but to summarise it here, the issue only occurs when making the change touch screen (tested on Windows and iOS). The UI clears the text box but does not remove the entity. The debug logs confirm this.
As a work around, make the change with a mouse and it will update correctly.
If you were using touch @Coxeroni, and you were using a mouse @petro, that would explain the different behaviour.
For this purposes I was not considering that as a touch device, but as a mouse. Using the trackpad on my iPad keyboard I was able to successfully remove the entity from a person.
Thanks to those who discovered that it’s a touch issue. This issue still exists in 2022.7.6, I tried both iOS and Android companion apps and Edge on windows and it only worked on Edge and only when I changed the mouse to a pointer rather than touch, otherwise the X would remove the device tracker name but leave the line blank and when you hit update it would just revert to the way it was.