Cannot find how-to refresh Tasmota device

I have installed HA,… and setup a single tasmota ( nodemcu ) device,… which was happy reporting back two temperatures,… and displaying them on my primary dashboard.
Having considered my MQTT message format, I decided to change the format,… this is being received by HA, but I cannot get my HA-device and dashboard to update / refresh to the new MQTT format.
I have tried to delete the device with tasmota-admin,… and followed numerous HA menus around,… but not found out a way to force a refresh or update on my tasmota device and hence its MQTT messages.
Can anyone else help me pls…
Many Tx

Sorry if I have asked a dumb question, but can anyone point me in the right direction,… even if I am being a Muppet…

I think more information is needed - I’m no expert but really can’t follow what has happened.

You had a working device reporting two temperatures via Tasmota/MQTT - presumably two sensors/one device automatically set up by the Tasmota integration?

For some reason ? you changed the MQTT message format - where? how?

Is the device still found by the Tasmota integration? Are the sensors shown correctly in the integration?
What does Developer tools - states show about the two entities reporting the temperature?

Need input…(sorry very old film reference!)

Yes,… two DS18B20,… working fine…

Change within Tasmota menus,… ie login to device directly,… and edit via MQTT menus

Yes,… it ‘lists’ fine within the Tasmota integration… and displays two temperatures

Unavailable: for friendly_name: Tasone DS18B20-1 Id… ( applies to both sensors ).
which is also what the dashboard reports,…
Any further thoughts… with ‘more input’ :slight_smile:

i take this to mean that in the settings - devices and services - integrations - tasmota menu you can see the two devices. Each device has a sensor that is reporting the correct temperature - are you sure it is not cached somewhere?

What are the entity names? Are you 100% sure they are the same as the names you are looking at and showing unavailable in developer tools - states?

I have seen something similar where my dashboard was showing a value but the states menu showed unavailable. Fixed by turning the tasmota device off and on again - sorry can’t really be sure - it was a while ago.

I know you know this but power cycle everything and clear browser cache?

Change MQTT back to original and see if things start working again? - still don’t understand why you changed things that were working.

Good luck

Hi Steve,… well have been playing a lot since your last note,… I did the the hard reboots etc,… to no-avail,… But I have discovered the
Setting > Devices & Services > Tasmota > 13 Entities
screen and discovered if I select and entity I can enable, disable, hide, and remove
So in for pennies as they say,… I selected all and deleted them all… re-instated them through discovery… same problem.
So in last ditch attempt I reverted back the MQTT settings to there default of
and yes if works again,…
I can only assume my desire to use temp, as an abbreviation for temperature in the MQTT message line messes something up, so
is a no no, to MQTT format.
I do thankyou for you time, as I was going round in circles a little, and not getting anywhere fast.