I have Hassbian installed and I have an Aeotec Z-Wave Stick. I’m able to see the stick from HASS and the devices in the Z-Wave network.
However, I can’t access open-zwave-control-panel, I tried using the path in the Raspberry Pi All-In-One Installer, but it says “No such file or directory”.
I tried finding the control panel using: find / -name “open-zwave-control-panel”, but no luck.
I did follow the Z-Wave page and installed the dependency using “sudo apt-get install libudev-dev”.
Depending on how you installed Hasbian, OZWCP may not be installed. Unless you have some very unusual requirements, you should be able to do what you need from the ZWave menu in Homeassistant. I haven’t needed it for months and I have added, moved, renamed and changed node parameters on a bunch of new devices.
You will need to know the node parameter to change and what value to use. What I have used is the services menu in Developer Tools (leftmost tool ). Select Zwave from the Domain dropdown. Select set_config_parameter from the Service dropdown. Enter the values you need to change in the Service Data box as a JSON block as below. Yor values and node ID will be different
` { “node_id”: 55 “parameter”: 147, “value”: 12 }
If you are changing a battery powered device, you will need to find out how to wake it up so that it can receive the changes. Get everything ready before you get it to wake up before hitting the Call Service button.
Hello. Sorry dumb question but I can’t find anywhere - why might I not see a ZWave control panel in my front end? Everyone and the doc say to use the Z Wave Control Panel but I don’t have one. I have zwave: and usb_path: configured in my configuration.yaml, pointing to an Aeotec Z Stick in my Raspberry Pi. No devices added yet, though. Could that be why I don’t see a “control panel”?
Hello I will reply maybe dumb answer. I am also newbie with that . I was trying to put /dev/ttyACM0 in config file however once it was working and after restart not. After restart I saw in hardware another folder etc. I am sharing what helped me after many try & error:
Clicko on Hass.io and panel System, use button Hardware you will see connected devices and /dev/serial/by-id/usb-06xxxx
Copy that to usb_path: below zwave. in configuration.yaml and nothing more
Restart HA - and check settings - you should see Z-wave
After these two days I have experiences how to add Fibaro devices. In some cases it is not so simple how it is described on Youtube.