Cannot flash ESPHome to ESP8266

Hi, I received my first esp’s today and I try to flash esp home on one of them without success. I follow the official guides and use the ESP Home web app to flash to the usb connected board.

Using Mac I downloaded the correct driver and it’s recognized by the machine. I then try to install for first use but after a few seconds I get this:

I also tried the manual installation through the ESP home add on but I never the logs just freeze after a while and I loose connection to the PI that I’m using to run HA. A bin file is never created. Maybe my PI does not have enough resources?

This is my first dabble with ESP so I’m an absolute noob (HA as well actually :smiley: )

Anybody have an idea what I’m doing wrong?

you can do it through a compatible browser without HS

sorry you’ve already done that lol

This is how far I’ve gotten through the manual installation btw:

It’s been stuck like this for ca 30mins now…

I tried that indeed :smiley: no luck

How much memory does your Pi have?

Not as much as I want it to have… 1GB (RPI 3 B+ I think)

Not enough memory to compile Esphome using the add-on. You could increase your swap-file to 2 GB

I think I managed to get to the next step at least. The board I bought is a D1 mini ESP8266. When I created a device through the dashboard for ESP8266 I noticed that in the configuration was set to esp01_1m by default.

I connected the esp to the pi directly and changed the config to this:

tried again and now it seems to be installing nicely.

Is this the point where I can unplug it?

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Yep, looks good.

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Not sure how I can do that… Or what that means haha. Do you have a reference?

I started the Home Assistant journey with an RPI3B+, too. And it was unable to work with ESPHome. I did have some success with Tazmota and MQTT for the couple simple projects I tried. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pointers, since my exploration into Tazmota was so minimal and quite a while ago.

Yep! Once you see that pink text (I specifically look for that green signal strength infographic), you’re live, and USB is only providing power to the D1 mini.

Yeah I just saw a video of somebody flashing to ESP and it was a whole lot faster then mine haha. I’m already looking into upgrading as this might be on its limit now

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This would be a really good time to set up ESPHome Command Line on your Mac. No sense tormenting your HA host with all those compiles you’re going to be doing as you learn.