Cannot get gallery card working

I want an mp4 to play temporarily in a gallery card.
After reading various hints I understand I have to use

  1. the files integration
  2. a sensor
  3. the gallery card (duh)

It seems I cannot get the paths right so I hope I can get some help here:

The mp4 is in ./homeassistant/www/images
In the file integration I added an entity : /config/www/images

I created a sensor:

- platform: files
  folder: /config/www/images/
  filter: "**/**/*.mp4"
  name: "gallery_videos"
  sort: date
  recursive: True

In the gallery card my code =

type: custom:gallery-card
  - media-source://homeassistant/www/images/

Can someone tell me where I am wrong ?

Thanks in advance


type: custom:gallery-card
  - media-source://homeassistant/local/images/

Does not work unfortunately:
When checking for correct yaml I get a message saying ‘Platform error ‘sensor’ from integration ‘files’ - Integration ‘files’ not found.’ Don’t know whether it has anything to do with it.

maybe you need to use local in the sensor too.

/config/www/ on the server = /local/ in HA configs, dont ask me why… :wink:

The sensor you are trying to create is already not made. Maybe the component is not installed ok?
Check here if you followed all steps:

You could also use the built-in ‘folders’ component, like you can read here: