Dear all,
I actually would like to have the Hue dimmer switches avaliable in HASSIO. Hence i tried installing the Plugn from robmarkcole/Hue-sensors-HASS. Unfortunately, i could not manage to get it working.
I currently have HASSIO v 0.60.1 running on a Raspberry pi3. Hassio is already connected to my hue bridge and I can operate all lights. In fact I already set up the motion sensors via templating which works great!
Unfortunately, I can’t get this plugin to work. I did place both the hue_sensors and the in the custom_components/sensors as discribed in the instructions.
My config looks like this:
- platform: hue_sensor
- platform: yr
# Hue Temperature
- platform: rest
value_template: '{{ value_json.state.temperature | round(-1) | float / 100 | round(1) }}'
unit_of_measurement: °C
name: 'T-AZ'
- platform: rest
value_template: '{{ (10**((float(value_json.state.lightlevel)-1)/10000))|round(0) }}'
unit_of_measurement: Lux
name: 'H-AZ
As long as i have the - platform: hue_sensor in my config all Sensors do not load anymore. It seems that this plugin somehow breaks the sensors section of my config
It would be great if someone could help me out to get this working.